Chapter 31~ Cyber Chase

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Chip paced in his pajamas, his hair still a wild mess. When Sean had called him, he was going to chew him out for it being 1 in the morning but when he said they had a problem, he was out of bed in a matter of minutes, talking to Sean as he went to wake up Mason.

"What do you mean we have a problem?" Chip said as he banged on the door to Mason's room for the second time.

"Wait wait, what about Skyler?" He said stopping his fist in mid air from banging on the door again.

Everything went cold when Sean told him once again what the problem was. He looked at the wall for a moment before he pulled the phone from his ear and banged hard on the door again, making it rattle.

"Mason, get your butt off your bed before I drag you out!" He yelled and he heard a grumble before the door was opened. Mason rubbing his left eye.

"Chip, it's 1 in the flippen' morning, you better-" Chip cut him off.

"I need your hacking skills." Chip ordered before putting the phone on speaker.

"Sean, tell me what's going on." He said as he followed Mason down the stairs.

"What is there to tell, she said she was hungry so I gave her some money, told her to be back in 20 minutes, she never showed up and some people are saying they saw her leave the building with a phone, my phone." Sean's voice came through the phone with a wave a worry.

Chip rubbed his forehead as Mason turned on one of the lights. "How much money did you give her." He asked, watching as Mason started up what looked like two computers.

Sean was silent

"Around $80." Disappointment filled his voice when he spoke.

"Sean, you're lucky that I'm not with you." Chip growled as Mason started to pull things up, his fingers like lighting on the keyboard.

"Hey Sean!" Mason said quickly yanking the phone from Chip's grip.

"In order for me to find our little friend, I kinda need the number of the phone." Mason said placing the phone on the desk.

Chip walked a little closer, watching as Mason typed the numbers Sean was saying, and as soon as he said the last number, Mason hit a key hard and quickly, both of the computer screens changed. One should basically the how world and it started to focus in on the United States. Chip just let out a whistle.

"So this is what you have been doing." He said looking at the other screen as it started to pull up numbers, and soon, it flipped to red words flashing across the screen.

Phone is in use

It kept on flashing it as Mason rolled his chair toward the desk, his fingers typing fast. This couldn't be good.

Mason let out a whistle. "Looks like she's talking to someone." He said looking over at the map, it was now focused in on California. Chip had to double check with Sean.

"You in California right?" He said stepping towards the phone.

"Yep." There was noise that followed behind Sean's voice.

"Alright Sean, I need you and whoever is with you to start looking for Skyler, we can't let her tell the cops where she is or give our names out, with both of us on her tail, we'll catch her. Just try finding her. I'll call you back when I have a update." Chip said reaching across and taking the phone.

"Okay, I'll talk with you later." With that, the line went dead and Chip set the phone back onto the desk, turning his attention back towards Mason who was going through some numbers.

"Any idea who she is talking to?"

"Hold on..." Mason said hitting a few things. The words that were flashing disappeared and soon the numbers of who she was talking to showed on the screen, Mason letting out a o and Chip ran his hand through is hair.

911 was showing across the screen, and Chip felt his heart pick up speed. If they got to her before they could, everything would be destroyed. When he looked back at the screen of the map, he saw it had zoomed in on Las Angles, things flashing and disappearing as it was searching for where she was hiding.

"Please tell me you can stop her before I pull my hair out." Chip said leaning forward and watching at Mason glanced back at him.

"You bet I can." Mason said and in a matter of minutes, he was typing.

"Got it!" Mason yelled making Chip snap out of his sleeping and quickly get over to Mason who was holding a head set in one head.

"Do you want to talk to her?" He asked.

Chip laughed. "Heck no, the monster might come out and we can't have her hang up on us." He said.

Mason just rolled his eyes and placed the head set over his ears. He then started to chuckle after a moment and Chip just smiled.

~Skyler's POV~

My whole body shock as the person had spoke, I glanced towards the door, my heart beating fast.

"W-ho i-s this?" I said, my hands wet with sweat. I thought I know who it was.

"Why, it's me, Mason, you know, the party guy." His voice sounded tired and I closed my eyes, swallowing.

It was quiet for a little before I heard him mumble to someone. There was shuffling before someone else's voice broke through the speaker.

"I really thought you would listen Sky." Chip's voice was soft and kind which was making me even more nervous.

I then quickly pulled the phone away from my ear, and not waiting for him to say something, I ended the call, the caller ID saying it was still 911. My hands were shaking as I sunk onto the ground, tears starting to slip out from my eyes. They hacked the phone somehow which meet Sean know of my escape and was most likely looking for me. That was when the phone buzzed in my hand making me look down, a unknown number sent me a text. Nervous, I sliding the lock screen and opened the message, reading the text.

From: Unknown

The game is on.

What the living heck did that mean? What game? Who sent this? I put the phone next to my feet and pressed the my face into my palms, letting my body wash over with fear.

The game was on, and I was the helpless kill.

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