Chapter 5: Broken World

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People after people after people. Most being men, I saw a few couples walk by me, drinks in their hands as they stopped to look at each of us like we were all a piece of art placed on a wall.

"Alright my great friends! Time is up, please leave the room so we can start the auctioning!" The voice said through the speakers making me try to look around for the source.

The people soon all left and no sooner was the glass doors closed, leaving all of us looking down at our feet. I heard someone's cuffs clicking together making me look over to see Luke doing something. His left hand was holding something small and it looked to be like he was trying to unlock his cuffs, that was when I saw what it was, a paper clip. I tried to turn to get a better look but the straps stopped me and I could only move my head so I looked at Luke wide eyed as he started to work at getting the cuff off, shifting the clip around in his fingers.


The cuff around his left wrist slid off and he pulled his arms in front of him, first pulling of the duck tape that was over his mouth. He got the other cuff of and started to pull the straps off, keeping his eyes alert at any of the doors. Someone let out a muffed help at him and Luke looked up, looking over at one of the boys, placing his finger on his lips. The straps soon came off and the chains were last. Using the same paper clip, he started to work on the lock, his eyes scanning over the last lock that was around his ankles.


I wanted to hug Luke after the shackles let go of his ankles but that was soon washed away. Guards had just came walking in when Luke went to move, both of them stopping in their tracks seeing Luke free.

"What the heck!" One guard yelled, Luke spinning around on his heels to face the two guards, his eyes going wide.

"Crap..." Is what I heard Luke mumble under his breath before both men came charging towards him. The first man had missed Luke but the second had hit him square in the chest.

He hunched over as he tried to catch his breath, that was soon being cut short when he quickly brought his fist up to hit the man right in the jaw. The man took a few steps back, moving his jaw back and forth with his hand as he looked at Luke who stood up straight, breathing hard. Anger filled the man's eyes and in a matter of minutes, he had Luke on the ground, his knee digging into Luke's spin. Izzy's muffed screams came after and I tried to turned my head to look at Izzy, who had tears running down her face as she screamed, only muffles audible. The man just shook his head and just chuckled before yelling.

"Can I get some zip ties in here!?" His body staying on top of Luck's, who laid there lifeless.

Soon, another man came walking in, a few zip ties in hand as he stopped, seeing what was going on. He didn't say a word and just walked over, handing a zip tie to the man who grabbed Luke's hands and tied them together tightly before getting off of him. Izzy was crying loud, making one of the men look up.

"Get her cleaned up." He said mumbling as he placed his hand in Luke's hair and pulled him up.

Luke was now on his knees, his eyes closed but it was clear he was still conscious. Blood was coming fast from his nose, running down his mouth and onto his neck. The man growled seeing what was wrong and grabbed at his ear piece, talking into it.

"I need someone to clean up one of the kids."

"Shut your mouth!" The ear piece glowered in disbelief.

"Just get in here!" He soon removed his hand from his ear and kept a good grip on Luke's hair, moving to the side to get a better look to see if his nose was broken, he let out a breath.

"It's not broken, so you're lucky." He said moving his hand so he was now holding Luke by the collar of his tux as soon as a few guards came in, one of them looking a little surprised.

"How did he get free?" He asked as he walked in front of Luke, lifting up his chin and turning his head back and forth slowly so he could see the damage to his nose. Luke let out some very uneasy moans, his eyes remaining closed.

"Looks like a paper clip." One man said lifting up the clip that he had dropped before being slammed to the ground.

"Get a wet rag before it gets on his tux." He ordered, looking at each of us, my eyes locking with his for a split second before he turned to look at someone else.

"Check their hands and get one of them ready, it's almost time to begin."

With that, the guards hovered around us like hawks, checking each of our hands for anything, no one else had anything so they started to unlock Rory, one of the boys. They told him what was going to be happening and I had to squint to see that one of them was holding a needle loaded with a clear liquid. They didn't even warn him and jabbed it into his neck, pushing all the liquid in before they pulled the needle out and Rory's legs went wobbly as he tried to stay standing, the two guards holding his zip tied hands kept him from falling as they took him out of the room.


Luke had opened his eyes, his head still forward. It had been a good hour and one by one, everyone started to get taken, not coming back. Now it was just me, Luke, July, and Nate. Izzy was in a pool of tears when they took her, the men had to lift her up in a bridal style and have to hold her tight as she tried to wiggle out his grip, crying and pleading for him to let her go. That was the last time I saw my best friend.

It was maybe a good 30 minutes later when three guards came walking in, heading towards me. I just lowered my head as they got the straps off, the chains, then the cuffs, but those were replaced with a zip tie. I looked over my shoulder one last time at Luke, his pained eyes locking onto mine and I felt a tear escape from my clouded eyes. I had a feeling that was going to be the last time I was going to see Luke for a long time.

They walked me down a hall before they had me turn into a room where a lady hopped up from her seat and coming over to me. I wanted to see what she was doing with my hair but something sharp crossed my eye and I looked to see it was a needle. I let out a little whimper and tried to take a few steps back but the other man held me in place. No sooner was the needle pressed into the skin of my neck did I let out yet another whimper. Everything seemed to go blurry to me and I heard the lady say she was done and one of the men opened the door, but by that time I could barely see the stage in front of me. I felt so light headed and sick, like I might collapse onto the ground and throw up. With what the lady did quick with my hair, and the man walking me, before I know it, I was in the center of the stage, standing by a guy with bright blue eyes. Whistles soon escaped from the crowd of people and I was beginning to feel more sick than ever.

"Let's start the bidding at $20,000 shall we!?" The man yelled enthusiastically, his voice echoing through the room that felt like it was going on forever.

Numbers, numbers and number. They came from every direction, the man saying numbers and waiting for more to come. Not disappointingly, they did. That was until a voice shouted out a number that made the whole room hush to silence.

"$100, 000! Going once."

No, please no.

"Going twice!"

No, please!

"Sold for $100,000!"

My whole world just shattered in half.

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