Chapter 10: One mistake

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"So.." A voice said making the hair on the back of my neck stand and I closed my eyes, swallowing.

Chip stepped out from behind me, his eyes looking at me as he slipped next to Mr. Hill's desk. I thought I was going to be sick. He was looking at me with eyes that looked so hungry, I couldn't even tell you how weird it felt. Mr. Hill was looking down at his desk as he wrote something, looking up when Chip cleared his throat, picking up one of the pencils on his desk and playing with it.

Mr. Hill looked at us, the glasses placed on the tip of his nose as he set down the pencil. "Good, both of you came." he said sliding a little to the left where he pulled out something.

"And boy, what's all over you?" He said disappearing as he started to look through the desk again, Heath took a step back.

"I-um-" Heath said looking down at his dirt covered his clothes.

"Spit it out. It's like eating pie." Chip said looking up, the pencil bouncing up and down between his thumb and index figure, a nasty smirk on his face. Heath snapped his head up towards him.

"At least I'm not looking at girls like their meat!" Heath spat out, Mr. Hill's head slowly raising back up as he removed his glasses.

Chip didn't even say anything back, instead, he lunged at Heath, who quickly stepped out of the way and both Mr. Hill and I watched with wide eyes. Heath sent a good punch back to Chip's face and that pulled something inside of Chip and before I know it, Heath was on the ground, pinned down by Chip. "Idiot!" *Punch* "you don't talk back to one," *punch* "of your masters!" *punch*. Heath now had a bloody nose as he brought his hands up to shield his face but Chip was not done yet. He grabbed Heath by his hair and whispered something in his ear and before he sent one last hard punch, Heath called him something before Heath went limp when Chip's fist connected with his face, Heath's body flopping onto the ground as Chip let go of his hair. Mr. Hill was now standing and yelling over the phone for someone.

The door to his office soon opened and two men came in. I had never seen them before since I first showed up here. Chip was standing up and now, and when he looked over at me, his eyes seemed so dark, no emotions at all. His fist were covered in Heath's blood and I shook my head, holding back the tears. I wasn't a close friend to Heath but I know he didn't disserve what Chip did to him.

"You monster." I spat, Chip's lips going into a snarl.

"All of you slaves are the same." With that, he pushed past the man and I caught sight of Atticus and Aby who stood at the bottom of the stairs. Both having horror across their faces.

"Men, please take this boy here down into the cage, let me know when he wakes up." Mr. Hill's voice came from behind me and I spun around, his face was blank and I looked back at the unconscious Heath being taken out of the room, to where what Mr. Hill called the 'the cage.'

"What the heck is the cage!?" I yelled at Mr. Hill, my voice going louder then I meet it to.

He just sigh. "Lower your voice, young lady." Venom in his voice.

"No, I will not lower my voice! Where are you taking Heath!?" I said, my hands going into fist.

Mr. Hill didn't answer me, instead, he raised his hand and for the first time, slapped me, looking at me with his ice cold eyes as I cupped my cheek, looking back at him with anger.

"Don't make me repeat myself." He hissed, pushing me toward the hall.

He grabbed me by my shoulders and slammed me up against the wall, and I let out a gasp as my back hit the wall, he was stronger then he looked.

"I have almost every other master coming here in less than two days for a party and I'm not going to have two unbroken servants who think that they can speak freely." He yelled, and quickly, he grabbed me by my hair and started dragging me down the hall.

I let out painful screams as I spotted Atticus through my tear filled eyes getting held back by two other men, letting out loud course words at the men, struggling against their grip. I kept on clawing at Mr. Hill's hand as he opened a door that had stairs the lead down into a cloud of darkness. I froze with fear as he took my down the stairs, his fist grabbing at my hair harder as I struggled against him.

"P-Please, please d-on't hurt me!" I screamed in sobs as he turned on a tiny light bulb that hung from the ceiling.

"You should of listened!" He yelled at me one last time before I heard a door open and before I could even see what he was doing, he threw me into a small dark room, my elbow's getting cut when they hit the cement flooring.

I tried to get up to keep him from closing the door but it was already slammed shut and locked, the click of the lock ringing in my ears. The room was dark, I couldn't tell if there was anyone else in the room and the room felt so cold with fear. It made me wonder how many other slaves had been brought down here. I hugged my knees to my chest before I broke down sobbing.

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