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Dexton's pov-

I just don't understand what happened yesterday....why i kissed Cassidy why she kissed be back? Why did she go to the day care? Who is it Cassidy is always worried about? Did she ever love me? Does she hate me? I am so confused why the hell is my life so freaking twisted? I was so happy with her....the love of my life i tried to give her everything she wanted but instead she choose to cheat on me, why?

Whenever i look at Cassidy i see pain and anger instead of guilt in her eyes why? I don't know- i just don't know anything except i still love the demand women who broke me into millions of pieces and i hate myself for loving her so much.

Anyhow i went and got ready to go to office, i am late today. Today the preparation of the annual magazine stats and i have a shooting session as well today with Cassidy as my personal assistant, i get into the car and check the time 10:00, it seems i am an hour late.

When i reach my office i make way to my cabin but notice Cassidy standing outside my cabin with a file in her hands "why are you standing here?" i ask Cassidy without greeting her but it felt awkward after what happened yesterday to talk to her, she looks up at me and straitens her dress before replying "sir, because you are late today so i filled the interview form for you it had some personal choice questions, you may go and check it if there are any changes please inform me" i nod before being cut off by Cassidy again "you have one hour left for the photo shoot sir" Cassidy replies and walks back to her cabin while i make way towards mine.

I checked the interview paper and to my surprise all the questions on my personal taste are correct, my favourite food, favourite movie, holiday destination....it seems Cassidy remember everything signs like this always confuse me but i shake them off, it was Cassidy who cheated on me not the other way around.

Cassidy's pov-

Uhhh, it was awkward facing Dexton today anyhow it's almost time for shooting i make my way to the washroom to notice Miranda (the receptionist in case you forgot) standing in front of the mirror. Now a day's whenever i get bored i sit with Miranda at lunch both get well along together "hi" i say and come up to her "omg Cassidy, where have you been girl?" she asks while i simply smile at her "you have a shooting today right?" she asked while i nodded "you go girl any girl would kill to be at your place" she said as i made a confused face "and why is that?" i ask as she smiled "you are going to have a combined shoot with the hotties aka Dexton Anderson "she explained, in ever told Miranda about me and Dexton but the way she said it made me jealous though i hid it and masked my expression ."gotta go" i said as Miranda waved her hand to me.

"come in" Dexton's husky yet rigid voice called out as i opened the door and saw a lot of files shattered on Dexton's table, i have a mess to clean "we need to go for the shoot" i called out as without saying anything Dexton stood up and i followed we reached the 5th floor where the shooting was conducted "Charles..." Dexton called out as the photographer came and gave Dexton a side hug "hi friend" Charles guy said as both of them got into a deep conversation.

"okay, let's start" Charles said and smiled to me which i returned "miss please go the centre of the set with Dexton" he asked politely as i made my way to the centre of the set where Dexton was standing "come a bit closer" i hesitated and took a step near Dexton "a little bit more" he requested again as i stepped a near to Dexton once again there was hardly space between us now "perfect now both of you smile" i and Dexton gave a smile as the flash took our pictures three four times.

After half an hour Dexton said good bye to Charles and made his way to the elevator as i followed.

Both of us got into the elevator and Dexton pressed the button to his floor i stood their awkwardly when the light started flickering and eventually dimmed and the lift came to an abrupt stop okay i am phobia tic from light, god save me. Dexton knew my problem and sensed it when i started to panic "it will be fine just 15 minutes and the lift will work again, automatic system" he said calmly as i nodded and sat down and curled my knees up and hugged them, Dexton sensed my panic and sat bended down on his knees and held my face up "it's okay" he said but by now tears were making their way Dexton flicked his finger over my cheeks to rub of the tears and hugged i rested my head on his chest but i was still a bit panicked soon Dexton sat down and took me in his lap i rested that way and after 10mins the light came to life again and so did my mind i stood up hesitantly and so did Dexton but before he could say anything the door opened and i ran out leaving Dexton awestruck .......



My obsession to caramel latte is..... Is.... Unexplainable.

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