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Cassidy's pov -

I took off the ring from my hand and slid it into the chain i was wearing which was long hence was not on display on my neck, i brought up the courage in myself and knocked twice in a row on Dexton's door "come in" i heard a void voice and i entered the cabin closing the door behind me.

I looked up to notice Dexton staring at me both of us stared into each other's eyes as i noticed pain in Dexton's ,why? i don't know, if it was me who had to go through the pain for so many years not him, slowly i shifted my eyes from Dexton's and looked at his desk. Dexton coughed twice and i saw that Dexton once again had hid his emotions inside him.

"How may i help you Mr Anderson?" i questioned as i stressed on Dexton's desk and made no eye contact with him "clean my cabin.... "it sounded more like an order than an request but i simply nodded because i had to remember the fact that he is my boss now and not my Dexy, i kept some of the files i was carrying with me and my phone on Dexton's desk and walked to the untidy book shelf.

I remember Dexton preferred all his books in alphabetical order so instead of asking i started to settle the book just like that

when i was about to start my work Dexton interrupted "i like my books and files arranged alphabetically in case you forgot Ms Valentine" i shrugged and continued working what did Dexton think? That i don't remember his lifestyle well ? maybe he forgot mine but i clearly remember his.

I was working when my phone started to ring so i proceeded to my phone and saw Dexton looking at the screen 'DC' was mentioned on it, thank god i didn't have the full form of day care mentioned on it, i picked it up as the Nanny at the Day care answered 'Cassidy my dear Anna is not ready to have her food she says she won't until you talk to her so i am handing the phone to her' i smiled at the name of Anna and realised that Dexton was working on his laptop just beside me 'momma' Anna exclaimed as i smiled again "honey why are you eat?" i said and choose my words carefully because i was fully aware that Dexton was able to hear my reply 'but momma ,i miss you ' Anna exclaimed "same here honey, I miss you too, i will talk to you once i am home but right now please eat your food, okay" i said and heard Anna hmm in reply 'okay mommy but promise me that when you come home will get me a candy floss' Anna asked as i giggled "promise, bye love " i said and the line went dead, i kept my phone back satisfied that Dexton would know have any doubt and proceeded to the shelf back.

I walked toward the shelf when two strong arms were around me and i was pushed against the wall "Who was on the phone?" Dexton questioned as i simply stared at him "damin it, answer me Cassidy" Dexton exclaimed as i felt my name leave his mouth, after five years i herd my name from him but then suddenly i analysed the situation and answered back "Why do you freaking care?" i questioned and realised my reply on the phone to Anna seemed to me taken differently by Dexton "don't play with me, Cassidy" Dexton said as we both stared at each other.

It seemed as if Dexton was hit hard on his head because suddenly he backed off and went out off the cabin......What just happened?

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