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‼️Same skies (A mafia romance), is out now‼️

Chapter 10 - Cara and weekend

Dexton's POV-

I was not able to sleep all night, whenever i closed my eyes Cassidy's hurt face came into my mind. I tried to ignore it because god knows the truth how much i still love that girl. Till today i still wonder why she cheated on me. I can't deny the fact that she did ,i saw pictures of her get cosy with her best friend, i loved her to death and she cheated on me! I mean i don't know why but the fact she called someone else 'honey' on phone put me on the edge.

But i still wonder, did i mean nothing to her? Did she never get to know me? If so then why did she panic when the peanuts had a reaction on me? Why does she have a hurt expression on her face when i talk to her with a void face? She loves me ? What am i saying; Cassidy would never love me she cheated on me. No Dexton, stop! Don't ever let anyone effect you again; you do not want the past to repeat.

A lot of thing where running into my mind when i finally shake my head and checked the time 8:00 am, i went to the washroom to fresh up, after taking a cold shower i got dressed and made my way to my parents usually spend the weekend with them because otherwise my mom always complain that i do not give my family time.

Anyhow today i have a meeting at eleven so i will go there and return back to my parents again. i got into my car and soon turned into my parents drive way, i parked my car and went in to the mansion.

I saw mom, dad and my sister having breakfast. The moment mom saw me she ran up to me and griped me into a tight hug, dad and my sister- Cara followed " come on son i am sure you did not have breakfast yet" my mom scolded as i simply smiled and arranged my plate with a pie and bread in it. "broeyyy, i missed you" my sister exclaimed, "Don't call me that" i snorted. I love my sister a lot but sometimes she is a head ache.

After breakfast i headed to my sisters room with her, i told her everything about Cassidy. It felt good to share my feeling with someone finally "brother, you have a meeting after an hour right?" Cara asked as i simply nodded she smiled and asked "will you please drop me in the mall on your way, i have to go shopping" i smiled and replied" sure, sis. " i explained as she smiled and jumped onto me and hugged me.

When i was with my family it seemed as there is no problem in the world, but it seems as if someone is missing even though i knew deep down whom it was i ignored my feelings. After Cassidy left i made my mind to never love any women again maybe because i knew if it would happen again i would brake and this time my family won't be able to handle that.

Cassidy's pov-

Finally a break from office, work and most importantly Dexton. As promised to Anna and Sofia i am going to spend the day with them.

Sofia arrived in the morning so we people decided to do some baking but ended up having a food fight, the kitchen is a mess right now but i don't really care it feels good the spend time with my princess and best friend.

After sometime we decided to go shopping when we arrived the mall i first went to the kids store and brought Anna two dresses, after that Sofia and i headed to forever21 we were deciding which dress to buy and which not to, i felt some one tug my dress i looked down to see it was Anna i bended down to her level "what happened dear?" i questioned "momma buy the blue dress it looks pwetty on you. I like blue" i smiled at my princess, she still had trouble pronouncing some words"okay darling as the princess says" said and standing up i looked at her and bowed while Sofia and Anna giggled at my childishness.

I was trying on different dresses when i felt someone tap my shoulder i turned around to see..........Cara!?

I was suddenly pulled into a bear hug, i smiled and pulled back, Cara was as special to me as Sofia

i was really close to Cara as well, i used to share everything with her. After the divorce i tried to contact her and grand ma but it seemed as if my luck was not in my side.

"OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG oh my freaking god" Cara bursted as i laughed at her reaction when i felt another tug on my dress and realised Sofa and Anna were still here, oh god i guess it's time to tell Cara the truth, when Cara noticed Anna her smile dropped as she looked up at me i knew she understood my relationship with Anna so i simple smiled. Cara took a moment to process the situation and then she freaked out, ''why didn't Dexton tell me?" she questioned herself "that is because he does not know..." i explained with a sad face "you know you will eventually have to tell him right? Its actually pretty shocking that she looks like how I used to look when I was her age except her eyes obviously " Cara questioned as i did not react "not now, promise me Cara" i looked up at her as she smiled sadly at me and said "he deserves to know Cassidy when you left it took me and my family one whole year to balance him he-he broke Cassidy, and you both never told us why the divorce?" she questions as i stiffened at the last part because i myself did not know.

I felt a tap on my shoulder again i turned and realised that Sofia was know holding Anna in her arms i smiled and to both of them and looked at my princess"princess do you want to meet your aunt?" i asked Anna as a surprised look came over her face and she shacked her head vigorously i smiled and turned to Cara "meet your niece Cara."

It felt good to know that Anna finally had a family from her father's side, the rest of the day i Sofia, Cara and Anna relaxed. Seems the weekend turned out to be perfect but i guess i still find a puzzle missing in my life....


Cassidy's pic above

His one and onlyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz