Chapter 16

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So I usually have my notes at the end but wanted to do a quick shout out to my readers around the world: New Zealand, South Africa, Nigeria, and of course the US! Thank you so much and I do hope you guys are enjoying my story!

"So what did it say?" Victor couldn't hide his curiosity even he wanted to. Trail. Follow the trail. What trail?! The first letter said they were being chased, somewhere with red rocks and forest. This one said they were caught by humans.

"How did you get this? Who gave it to you?" I demanded, gathering the letters.

"It just came in the mail." The old man blinked with his thick eyebrows furrowed as if that was the only logical way for one to receive a letter. "It came in another envelope with instructions, when you showed me the first one, I knew it must be for you."

"But why should I be the one to receive my father's letters? And so many years after they were written?"

"Are you sure they were for him?" Victor inquired as if he knew something.

"They said Alex, as in Alexander. What other Alex is there?"

"You?" Patch asked from behind me. I turned to look at him unamused. This was not a time for stupid jokes.

"My name is Fay, not Alex." I corrected but when I faced the pack leader again I remembered something from a few nights ago. Daniel had even asked if my name was just 'Fay'. I brought out my phone and dialed a number.


"Did you name me after him?" I asked quietly, remembering the words written in blood on the wall a few days ago.

"What? After who?" Mom yelled at someone in the background, "Sorry, what was that?"

"Did you name me after my dad?" My hands shook, barely keeping the phone up to my ear. The line remained quiet for a few seconds before she answered.

"Unofficially, yes. Your full name would have been Alexandra Fay Albescu. Why?"

"I gotta go."

"No! Fay! What's going on?" Beep. She might kill me later...Scratch that, she will kill me later.

"Dammit!"I kicked the chair closest to me causing it to flip away. "They've been toying with me! All this time! And you! This is your territory, why aren't you doing anything about it?!" I pointed an accusing finger at the pack leader who cleared looked offended but held his tongue.

"Fay calm down." Patch placed a hand on my shoulder, "It isn't that simple, especially since they have some witches on their side. Tracking and detecting them becomes more of a challenge."

"Red rocks and forest, what place has that? I need to go now!" My mind was racing, full on NASCAR mode. I paced around the study searching for any place that would fit the description, unfortunately I barely passed Geography in school. The study, though brightly lit, seemed to grow darker and more solemn.

"You can't just take off like this." Victor chuckled, I have to give him props for cooling his head so quickly. "You've trained as a hunter, yes, but I have a feeling you don't have much experience as a wolf. Is that correct?"

"I'll be fine, I've dealt with wolves before."

"He does have a point..."Patch coughed, "But I can teach her just fine."

"Nonsense! You are not fit to teach anyone, especially the Heiress!" Victor growled viciously, "Know your place rogue."

"Don't get your panties in a bunch, old man. I may not be in a pack but I'm still a child of the moon. She needs an education, not a brainwashing session." Victor snarled and in a flash he leapt over the desk, his hand closed around Patch's throat.

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