Chapter 5

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"Fall and you start over, you know the drill!" Evelyn shouted from further ahead in the obstacle course. Climbing, balancing, sliding, parkour was all up in this training. Three quarters through was my death, a beam slightly narrower that my foot, several feet long.

Up and over, no biggie. Pure balance, oh hell no. I've fallen a grand total of five times already; everyone else was back to the running portion of today's training. This time for sure! Quick and steady, balance! Halfway across my confidence grew from dread to a slight hope that I could make it.

"Give it up already, unless of course you really enjoy eating dirt. Have I tamed you that quick?" I made the mistake of stopping to glare at Warden who decided to take a break. His sweat glistened in the sun while he drank from a water bottle. Had it not been for his rotten attitude and the fact that he wants to personally deliver my death certificate, I would readmit he's handsome. But  I drowned the thought with recent memories and laughed at my own stupid hormones for blinding me momentarily.

Ignoring his watchful eyes, I pressed on, determined to strike him down with my success. One light step in front of the other. Yes! Almost there! VIC-

"No!" I leaned forward with anticipation and excitement, losing concentration and my foot slipped ever so slightly off the beam. Being attached the the rest of me, my body, loyal and true, followed it down. I grunted with the impact of meeting the solid ground and growled with frustration. "Stupid Luke! Don't you have anything else to do right now?!" I snapped trying to hide my embarrassment.

"Nothing as satisfying as watching this glorious, live example of a failing clutz." Emerald grinned, relishing my fruitless attempts. But the U-shaped curve was soon rotated 180 degrees. "Honestly Fay, this isn't for you so just stop. You aren't cut out for it, you're made for a normal life."His voice was low, almost... pained?

My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. Did I hit my head when I fell? "Did you just call me Fay?" My eyes became saucers, what demon from hell possessed him?? It's been a few days since I've been here and not once has he called me by name.

"Don't be stupid." He scowled, turning away he took another gulp of water. " Seriously though, what's your reason? You can learn to protect your family without becoming a Nighthunter."

"My step-dad was a cop, and til the day he died he always did what others wouldn't do. Risk his life for those he cared about and bring real justice to both the streets and places behind closed doors. He may not be my biological father, but I do have a strong sense of justice because of him."

"Then why not just be a cop?" I shook my head, feeling my anger rise up again from the depths of my soul.

"I'm a part of that world whether I like it or not, might as well go all in. There aren't enough of you for the distance you cover, and I can't even begin to consider standing quietly on the sidelines doing nothing about it. I'm just not made that way, I have a responsibility."

"One that no one gave you-"

"I don't need to be told I'm responsible for something or not, I can feel it." I climbed up onto the beam and sat, looking down at Emerald.

"A bit narcissistic aren't we?" Luke mused with a raised eyebrow.

"No, it's a sense of duty. Someone has to do have it or else the world would burn." Our eyes met conversing amongst themselves while our lips remained sealed. The wind blew through the trees, sending a few leaves tumbling around, something in the air wasn't right. We both felt it and turned in the direction where the breeze came from, the sun was still high and bright in the blue sky, but an ominous feeling was caught by our sixth sense.

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