Chapter One

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"I'm sorry, but it's over," I said emotionless to Jacob who just stood there, his mouth hanging. I sighed, throwing my hand through my hair letting it go backwards and out of my way. I tapped my feat impatiently, waiting for him to reply but he didn't say anything. I wish I could just slap him on the face, right now. But no, that's stupid. I was the one who was dumping him here. Get a grip of yourself. God, I hated my moods.

    "What?" He finally reacted, gulping loudly. Damn. What do I say now? He heard exactly what I said, why was he making me repeat this? I sighed loudly. He could see as my face showed not a flicker of sadness.

    "You heard me." I said. He shook his head, once then twice and then stomped his feet. He threw his hands in the air.

    "You are the most moodiest girl I have ever met."

    Well, of course I am I whispered in my head. I was bipolar, and Jacob didn't exactly know that. Jacob had been my best friend since 4 years, and we hung out together every single day until I developed feelings for him and so did he. I mean, what the hell this was a perfect romance story. But, somewhere along those lines my depression also built up.

    Bipolar meant manic depression. Sometimes, I slept so hard. I've actually slept for 2 days now, and it's kind of sad how no one at home realised. And once, I stayed awake for 2 days. I cut myself. No matter how horrible, and mean it may sound - but I liked it. It was like a sudden release of myself. I don't eat, and when I did - I overate and spent my night throwing myself up.

     To be very honest, my whole life is a total wreck. I don't think I knew how to live anymore. I just have ruined, and threw everything I wanted away. If I smiled, I never meant it. There was always a sinking deep feeling that made me want to scream and shout. I don't know why but I felt like crap more and more and each day I knew I was edging towards suicide.

     But, I was too scared for it to actually happen. Thank god.

     "Jacob." I sighed, shaking my head twice and letting loose of all the emotions I was feeling. I felt like I was going to start crying, when only a second ago I felt fine. I was so prepared to let go of Jacob, and now here I was acting like a baby. "I'm sorry. It isn't working out."

     I got that right though. It actually wasn't working out. For starters, we always argued and talked about days when we were just friends. Then, we hardly hanged out and felt annoyed at each other when we did speak. Also, we just don't go together. We're two different people. We both knew this was coming so when is Jacob so surprised?

     "Yeah..." he muttered.

     This line was going to ruin it all, but someone had to say it when a couple broke up. "We can still be friends."

     "That's like saying the dog's dead but can we still keep it?" He said, shaking his head and walking away - hands in pocket. That actually went down better than I thought. Jacob had horrible temper problems, and I just had to make sure to keep that down.

      I took a deep breath as I heard the school bell go indicating I had now my counselling lesson. I've never been to one of these therapy things. I did once, but I was too young to remember. I'm 17, but I've been bipolar since 10. I only realised 3 years ago. Since then, I've always just considered myself depressed.

      I knocked on the hard wood door, as a lady opened it and welcomed me in. She seemed pretty nice. She had a brunette hair, which was gracefully in a bob cut that suited her face pretty well. Her smile seemed to lit up the room, and suddenly the atmosphere was so calm I felt I could explode my feelings here.

     I took a seat on the comfortable blue seats, that could be adjusted to my likings and I could twirl around on it. I remember when I was younger and all I used to do was hang out on these stupid chairs for hours, going around and down and up and around. It seemed so much fun to me, and life seemed so easy then.

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