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The Prologue -

“Kacy, please try to understand. You need intensive therapy. But because you don’t let us allow it, you still need a counsellor,” Miss Jennings told me. I was sitting in her unwelcoming office. I was sitting on one of the stiff chairs, shifting in my seat uncomfortably as I tried to listen closely to Miss Jennings. Why don’t they get it? I don’t want a stupid counsellor for my bipolar.

“I don’t want to understand,” I mumbled stubbornly, crossing my arms and moving back in my seat getting more comfortable. I knew this was going to go on for ages. She loved to argue.

“But, you have to. I’m not going to force you but don’t you want to be truly happy?” I thought of how that sounded. Truly happy and I nodded eagerly. I wanted to smile, and actually mean it for once.


“Then, please let me help you Kacy. You have to let me in.”

“I’ve never let anyone in,” I whispered through my teeth. I have an alcoholic mum, dad who has left out and only bothers calling once a month and a brother who is an addict. He was one of those idiots you’d see around the streets with their trousers down, and huge oversized hoddies.

“But this time you have to. It’s for the better.”

“Will she tell anyone what I share with her?”

A panic-stricken face was painted over Miss Jennings’s face after I said that. She nodded her head, after what seemed like ages and put her foot down. She got up.

“Look, Kacy – I’ll repeat this the millionth time. This is confidential. What she says can’t go to anyone else. Not even me. She’ll take notes, for sure, but for herself. Your family won’t find out if you don’t want them to find out.”

“They won’t care anyway,” I muttered under my breath.

“That’s what it may seem like but they do. Deep down there is love.”

“No there isn’t,” I wanted to cry. I always did when the topic of family was brought up. I hated it being mentioned. I understood that my family was messed up, but there was no point of everyone telling me they loved me. They didn’t. I knew it.

Maybe my brother, he did act like a proper brother around me but when he was out and about he always told me to walk 5 steps behind him. He didn’t want anyone knowing I was his sister. How low and sad is that?

Maybe it was for a reason I was bipolar.

Maybe I deserve this for my life.

“Counselling is open your eyes. In fact, you will be starting today after English lesson.”

“I don’t want to be late for Maths,” I argued.

“More like, it’s my least favourite lesson but there’s a new teacher and I just have to be there?” She laughed.

I took my head down, blushing like mad. Not true. I knew there was a new teacher for maths, my least lesson, but honestly I wanted to go there to annoy the hell out of him. I was a bad student in class. Mostly because I could never concentrate in class, and my mind was always on other things.

“Yeah fine whatever.”

“Okay… well you have the counselling lesson after break. Do you know where to go?”


“Great. I’ll meet you tomorrow then. Take care Kacy.”

“You too,” I sighed walking out of the room and taking a deep breath when I was out. Finally. Peace at last.


Author's Note:

Guys! I was going to name this story: If I Let You Go, but I've decided to call it Never Let Me Go. It makes more sense, in my opinion.

Yes, guys - I'm sorry it's a student x teacher relationship but it's a very different sort of plot (I hope) so give it a chance before throwing it away, and thinking "Pft, no way am I reading another one of these stories"

Cover is by MEEE :D

Em covers <3

Story is by ME. The idea is all MINE. All rights reserved. NO STEALING. God no.

Enjoy besides that !<3

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