Chapter 7

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Heyy! :D

Like I said when I uploaded on INTE, life has been crazy these past two weeks!! Like--VERY crazy! I was on a mission trip for a week, then had my state piano competition this past week. And this week will be busy trying to enjoy my last week of summer! ...I have to start school Monday. :( I'm dreading it, but looking foward to it--senior year! (Whoop whoop!)

If my uploads get erratic, it's just because of my school schedule--I need to focus more on my schoolwork this year!! But I'll upload as often as possible!

Anyways. I had some time, so I thought I'd upload some on this......So here it is!! :)

~Dani :)

Katy's POV

I woke up with butterflies in my stomach on Saturday, March wedding day. Rehearsal the night before had gone pretty smoothly. With all of Wanda's help, and Mrs. Hall's help, I hadn't really had to do too much. They did a lot for me.

I woke up at eight that morning. The wedding was at four in the afternoon, but I wanted to be sure to give myself plenty of time to get ready. After all, the Halls were a prominent family in the community, and I was somewhat sure that here would be newspaper photographers or something like that to document the "royal family" of Harrington, the city we lived in. 

I took a long shower, taking my time to be sure to do everything to sheer perfection. I got out, and put on a robe. I packed up the little amount of stuff I had left in my house to take to my and Jordan's new house. After that, I slipped on a pair of dressy jeans and a button down top. (The top had to be button down so that my hair wouldn't be messed up when it was time to put my dress on.)

At ten o'clock, I walked out of my bedroom carrying my last box to my car. Carter stopped me in the hallway. "What are you doing?" he sneered.

"Loading up my stuff," I replied, edging towards the door. I was already nervous enough about the wedding--I didn't need an argument with Carter added to everything.

"Wedding today right?" Carter said. He blocked the door so I couldn't walk out.

"Yes," I said. Surprisingly, he moved out of my way and left me alone. 

I had invited my parents to the wedding, but I had no clue if they were coming or not. Part of me wanted them there, just because I knew it would look better for myself and the Halls if my parents came. But another part of me was very much hoping that they would stay home. I knew that if they stayed home there would be much less of a chance of someone causing a scene. And believe me, a scene was the last thing I needed that day.

I was on the way back inside to turn off the lights in my room--the last thing I had to do before I could finally leave my old house, when my my mom intercepted me.

"What time's the wedding?" Mom said, her words slightly slurred. She seemed hungover from whatever it was she had done the night before.

"Um," I said hesitantly. I wasn't sure whether or not I should tell her. "It's, uh..."

"Just get the dang word out, Katy," she said. But, of course, she didn't use the word "dang", which wasn't surprising in the least bit.

"Four," I muttered.

"A-ight," she said, and swayed back into the den.

Gosh, I hope she doesn't come. Or if she does, she sobers up first. Ugh.


It was 3:55 and I was more nervous than I ever had been in my entire life. "What have I gotten myself into?" I whined, more to myself than to my bridesmaids, who surrounded me in the vestibule of the church.

I'm saying "I do"....but not for LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz