Chapter 6

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Hey everyone! So I actually have a little bit of free time...well, not really, but I'm using some of the time that I should be using to clean/pack/etc to write! :/ (Bad me :P) So yeah. Vote, comment, etc! Hope you like Chapter 6. I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it. 

BTW, if you've been praying for Logan (and reading Praying for Logan), thank you so much! He is doing well today, and is continually taking baby steps to recovery!


Katy's POV

The next few weeks until the wedding flew by. I was busy every moment of everyday. I had to send out wedding invitations, decorate my new house, finish getting all of the wedding stuff together, pack up my clothes and personal things I wanted at home. I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off every single day. Before I knew it, it was two days before the wedding, March 11.

I was home by myself, and I had just gotten back from school. I heard the car horn beep outside, so I grabbed my purse and headed out to meet Jamie. We were going to get our nails done, get spray tans, and then we were headed to a small bridesmaids' dinner at Genovias, a small Italian diner.

"Hey again," Jamie said as I shut the passenger door.

"Hello," I said. "Oh my word, I am so tired. If I'd realized how much work it was going to be to throw together a wedding this quick, I would've told Jordan we'd have to wait longer!"

Jamie laughed. "Aw, I know you're exhausted, but it'll be worth it, right?"

I sighed. "Yes. I almost can't wait for it to be over. And I mean, this is really the only time we could've had it since I don't have school next week for spring break."

"This is true," Jamie replied. "So what all do you have left to do? Mom said that she is taking care of the musicians, DJ for the reception, caterer, and flowers. What can I do to help you?"

"You should be scared to ask!" I said. I was so happy that Jamie and I had grown so close over the past month or so. For the first time in a long time, I felt like I really had a best friend. At the beginning, every time she had brought up the wedding, I had felt pangs of guilt. But I had learned to ignore them. Sad, isn't it? I hated lying to my best friend, but I knew there was no way around it.

Jamie glanced at me out of the corner of her eye as she drove to the salon. "Katy. Seriously. I want to help."

I gave her a grateful look. "Thanks. Umm." I pulled out the notebook I was using as a planner. "Well. After we get all this knocked out today, I've got to take all my stuff over to the house and move my stuff in. Jordan was doing his after work while we're gone, and said he'd come pick me up in the truck to get my boxes and all."

"Wow, you'll be exhausted for school tomorrow," Jamie said.

"I'm gonna skip, I think. I mean, I've only skipped three or four days this whole year, so I can definitely afford it. I've got so much to do," I replied.

"So really. What can I do to help? How about I go pick up the bridesmaids' dresses and bring them to the church tomorrow so that we don't have to worry about that Saturday?" she suggested.

"Really? That would be so awesome," I said. "Thanks."

 "No problem, Katy. I'm glad to help!" she said.

We arrived at the salon, and went our seperate ways to get our nails done, and we planned to meet up as soon as we finished to go to the back to get our spray tans done.

I'm saying "I do"....but not for LoveKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat