Chapter 10: With Loss and Victory Part I

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  He was like a shadow. Always there. No matter where you go it always follows you, your shadow. He was like that. You wouldn't know he's there, or you would but you wouldn't care, because it's just a shadow. But he was different. He was always there, wether you wanted him to be watching or not, he always knows, he's always one step ahead of you, actually let me rephrase that. He's always a thousand steps ahead of you. Always was, always will be. 

He was a shadow in the forest, you could see his shadow on the trees, thanks to the bright light from the full moon. One minute you think he's there, then he's not-gone in a flash. It would be impossible to follow him, to track him down. But no one bothered to do it, actually no one dared. They feared him, he was fear himself. And the only thing to fear is fear. It's him. 

He ran through the thick trees, slicing down every tree branch in his way. He wasn't running from someone, he was running to someone. Someone he couldn't wait to see, someone he so badly wanted to see bleeding and pleading for mercy. But he wouldn't show it. He came to an opening between the trees, a huge dark cave lay before him. His well known smiled played on his lips as he entered the cave. 

He kept venturing in, till he found her. Thanks to the source of light coming form the fire that burned in the middle. Her hands were chained up on the cave wall, she was on her knees, her head was down. Her blonde hair was a mess, some of it smeared with blood, her shirt was sticky and wet, blood again. Her pants were half ripped, revealing bloody bruises, even her hands had cuts. Blood. All blood. He loved the sight of it. He didn't understand those people who felt dizzy when they looked at it, how could you feel faint at the sight of blood? How could you not feel a rush of excitement when you see you opponent on the ground bleeding? It didn't make sense to him. 

"My lord?" A young lady appeared from the shadows, she had a whip in her hand, of course she did, he had asked her to torture the victim. 

"You did as you were told, Octavia?" It wasn't a question, more like a reminder for himself. 

"Of course I did," she smiled, "her screams are music to my ears." She laughed, evilly. He found her beautiful, she was tall, slim and strong. He liked strong girls. She had beautiful long wavy brown hair and decisive brown eyes, that make you weak by just looking in them. 

"The important thing is that she isn't dead." He walked up to the girl and knelt in front of her. He lifted her face up with his finger placed under her chin, she was awake. Her face had scratches. Tears flowed down her cheeks. 

"Why?" she muttered, he barely heard her. He was aware of Octavia watching him, but he knew she can't hear a thing. 

"Why?" He laughed, "because my dear friend I love seeing people in pain. It brings me joy."

"What did I ever do to you?" She asked a bit louder.

"What you did? What you did? Hah! It's all because of you Annabeth, all of it. Your the one who made me question my power and ability, thanks to you I always hesitated from using my full powers. You made me question myself. Told me not everything is meant to be controlled. And you'll pay the price."

"I never did that!" She spat in his face. "If you wanted to do it, then you could've. I only told you what was right! I never wanted you to do something wrong, it's you! I was doing the right thing, it's not my fault your too powerful. Okay? I'm fed up, just leave me alone!" She was crying, regretting what she said, knowing she'll pay for it. 

He slowly rose and turned to face Octavia. "Torture her! Again and again! I don't want her dead though, keep doing it till I tell you to stop." He calmly said.

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