Chapter 14

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Hey everyone! Here it is, chapter 14!!! It's extra long just for you.

And, because it is the 14th chapter (my lucky number), there's a little mini competition. There are 4 quotes of Marilyn's in this chapter. Whoever finds them all first gets the next chapter dedicated to them. Please send me a private message with your answers.

36 votes again for this chapter? We got to 35 on the last one.


Chapter 14

During the time it took to film All About Eve, Johnny proposed to me twice more. Each time I turned him down as gently as possible, but he never seemed to get the message. He insisted it was my “destiny” to become the next Mrs. Johnny Hyde.

He complimented me so often that when he abruptly stopped, I was sure something was amiss; I just wasn’t sure how to approach Johnny about it. What was I supposed to say? Good morning Johnny. I’ve rejected you 3 times but I was wondering why you haven’t been complimenting me lately. I couldn’t say that to him! It was completely rude and heartless.

I decided not to mention anything; Johnny would tell me in his own time. Boy, was I right.

As soon as the filming of the movie ended, Johnny called me into his living room to sit down and talk. I was sure he was going to ask me to marry him again. That or move in with him permanently.

“Marilyn, I’ve told you countless times that I love you so you know I really do.” Here it goes… “Please don’t be offended by what I’m about to say.” I had never been proposed to like this before. “But the producers of All About Eve have commented to me that you would get many more roles if you had some work done on your nose.” Johnny panted as if he had just made a speech.

He couldn’t be serious! Hollywood wanted me blonde, and now they want me to get a new nose? What was wrong with my current nose? I thought it was sort of cute!

“Why? What’s the problem with my nose?” I’m not going to cry, I’m not going to cry…I chanted silently.

Johnny looked uncomfortable with this topic. “They think if your nose was a little smaller and…softer then you would seem sweeter, more endearing.” He must have noticed my put-off expression because he quickly tried to smooth everything over. “You’re beautiful as you are, Marilyn, it’s just Hollywood is demanding. I would, of course, pay for everything.”

I still wasn’t giving in though so he tried a new approach. “You’ve got a foot in the door now, Marilyn, but picture this. You get the itty bitty surgery so you’ll become the most beautiful woman in America, then after you’ve been in seclusion a few months and healed fully, Bam!” He hit the coffee table hard. “You’ll hit Hollywood and be a sensation! Everyone will want this fresh, new, stunning face to be in their movie. Isn’t that what you want?”

I thought it over. That was exactly what I wanted, he was right, but was it really worth surgery? In the orphanage they had poked fun at my nose but I had gotten over that insecurity. Now I could feel it slowly coming back. No, I wanted a face people would fall in love with, not make fun of.

“Fine. Let’s reconstruct my nose.”

Johnny found me the best plastic surgeon he could and paid for everything. He even paid the surgeon extra to keep quiet about it. He also paid for a 3 month vacation for me where I spent one month recovering from my surgery in Florida and the other 2 months touring Europe.

The vacation was wonderful; one of my favorite experiences in my life, but every time I looked in the mirror and saw my new face, I couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt that I couldn’t stay true to my original face.

Dear Diary, it's Marilynحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن