Chapter 6

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  • Dedicated to All my wonderful fans and readers, thank you so much!

I updated today! Aren't you happy? I got 13 votes last chapter, one over the initial goal of 12! Thanks bunches :) How about this time we aim for 14? Of course, don't forget 14 is just a goal. Even if I couldn't get 14 votes, I would still update because I love this story and not updating would be selfish.

Chapter 6

“I’m leaving for work, Ethel!” I called as I put my coat on at the front door. I still hadn’t told her about my newfound modeling career; I was going to pretend I was still working at the factory. Something told me the Dougherty’s wouldn’t approve of a model for a daughter-in-law. They wouldn’t consider modeling “real” work.

“Good bye, Norma!” Ethel came over and pinched my cheeks before I left. “You are such a good child, working so hard for your family! I couldn’t ask for a better wife for Jim.”

“And I couldn’t ask for a better husband.” I waved good bye and hurried out the door, feeling a twinge of guilt for lying about my job. Still, modeling paid much better and lord knows we needed the money.

My factory job began at 8 so I had to leave the house at 7:30 or Mrs. Dougherty would have known something was amiss. I was supposed to be at the agency at 9 so I had an hour to waste.

Walking through town, I was tempted to go see a short film at the movie theatre (I hadn’t in months because of our money problem), but I didn’t; I couldn’t waste the money. Instead I went to the grocery store to buy a magazine. I figured I should do some research for my new career by seeing how different models posed.

I purchased an EveryWoman magazine and read it on a bench outside of the grocery store. I flipped through the images of women posing in kitchens or in front of perfect, picket-fence houses with smiles on their faces.

There were two images that I liked though; one was of a pretty blonde girl on a white a red dress on a boat, smiling like it was the happiest day of her life. At the bottom of the page it said Jean Harlow.

The other was of a brunette drinking tea in a very sophisticated dress while smiling at a man whose back was to the camera. At the bottom of that picture it said Lana Turner.

I recognized both the girls’ names as famous actresses. In fact, just recently a movie had been released with Lana Turner as the star.

Seeing the actresses’ pictures in the magazine, I decided to aspire to be like them. I didn’t want to be the pretty woman showing off her perfect suburban life; I wanted to be the woman showing off her exciting, not-so-perfect life while having fun!

I still had a few minutes to waste until 9, but I decided to get to the agency early to make a good impression.

Becky was still working the front desk when I went in. She smiled at me as she rifled through some papers.

“Good morning Mrs. Dougherty.”

“Please call me Norma. I’m only 18.” I saw Becky’s eyes widen, but then she nodded and went back to her smiling self.

“Well, Norma, you have a photo shoot scheduled today. Go ahead and go into the back room. They’ll do your hair and makeup and when Mr. Pierce is ready, you’ll get your picture taken.” She explained to me.

“Who is Mr. Pierce?”

“You auditioned in front of him yesterday.” I thanked Becky and went into the back room. I really hoped Mr. Pierce was the man who had said “That’s her!” He seemed to like me.

The back room was pretty crowded. A backdrop of the countryside was being put up by some men and the camera was already set up. I was beginning to feel very confused and out of place.

“Norma!” A man called my name. I spun around to see the nice man from yesterday.

“Mr. Pierce?” I asked hopefully.

“That’s me. Why don’t you go back behind those screens over there.” He pointed to a set up of screens. “You’ll get your hair and makeup done and you’ll be given clothes to wear. Then come out here when you’re done changing.” I nodded and followed his instructions.

The ladies behind the screens gave me a farm girl’s dress to wear and put a bow in my hair before they put makeup on me. I then went to find Mr. Pierce.

Mr. Pierce directed me towards the backdrop that was now set up.

“Now smile, look pretty, and act natural for the camera.” He instructed. A camera man was already behind the camera preparing to take photographs.

Smile and be pretty? That sounds easy enough, I thought to myself.

“Now add the lamb!” Mr. Pierce yelled to some men.

A lamb? What on earth—

And then a cage was opened and a little lamb was released on the same fake grass that I was standing on. It made quiet baa-ing noises as it walked around me.

“A lamb?” I voiced my thoughts out loud, resulting in laughs from the camera crew.

“Just play with her. You’re a little farm girl.” The camera man told me, so I did what I was told. I played with that little lamb while wearing my brightest smile and trying to look pretty, all at the same time.

I was almost disappointed when it was over. I even said good bye to the lamb before undressing and getting back into my normal clothes.

“How did you like your first modeling experience?” Mr. Pierce asked me when it was all over and we were the only two left in the back room.

“It was…invigorating to say the least.” I smiled up at him. “It was a lot of fun.”

“That’s good. You looked very pretty as a farm girl.” I laughed with him. “You’re going to be on the front cover of Family Circle Magazine.”

“Really? The front cover?” I couldn’t believe it! “I thought those photographs would just be for an advertisement! The front cover!” Mr. Pierce laughed at my excitement. I felt as giddy as a school girl!

“But you know, Norma,” Mr. Pierce carried on in a more serious tone, “you could get even more work as a blonde.”

“Blonde? My hair? You think so?”

Mr. Pierce nodded. “I know so.”

I pursed my lips as I thought. “Blonde…I bet my mother-in-law would love that!” I said with a grimace. “Platinum blonde?”


I’ll do it.”

 Hello world! Sorry my chapters are kind of short, but hey, I do update every day!

So I've got a question...what would you guys think of an "Ask Amy/Annie/Alice/etc." sort of thing? You know, those advice columns in the newspaper, online, or in magazines? I was just wondering because I absolutely love those things but in my newspaper, the person who answers people's questions gives TERRIBLE advice. I was thinking maybe I, or one of you guys, could start one...What do you think? Let me know in the comments!

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