Female Hair Basics

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^^my favorite hair I have drawn

When it comes to hair, there are a million ways to draw it. Up or down. Braid or curls. Straight or bun. With so many hairstyles out there that you can draw, it's up to your fashion mind to complete the rest.

The good thing about drawing hair is that you can make it almost any color and add extreme detail.

When drawing hair, you want to use a 0.4 or 0.5 tip pen, for the finer detail. The best way to come up with hairstyles is through people you randomly see or magazines. Even look at your own hair to get the right texture.

To really add the real look to hair you need to put it over shoulders or on her back so that its bot just completely fake and straight looking. Maybe add a bit of wind to the drawing and have a few strands of hair blowing across her face.

Now to match up eye color with hair is very important. You don't want the colors clashing too much.

Blue eyes: dirty blonde, blonde, black, light brown, silver.

Green eyes: black, dirty blonde, brown, dark brown, light brown.

Brown eyes: black, blonde, dark brown.

Black eyes: black, silver, light brown.

So when drawing your hair use light strokes of your pencil so you don't mess up too bad.

Add shadows to your hair or sun patterns.

If your hair looks good, the rest of your drawing will to!

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