¢нαρтєя 9

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¢σρуяιgнт © 2015 Margareth Valley
All Rights Reserved

Round and round like a horse on a carousel,
We go,
Will I catch up to love?
I could never tell,
I know,
Chasing after you is like a fairytale,
But I feel like I'm glued on tight to this carousel.

-Melanie Martinez "Carousel"

¢нαρтєя 9

"I can't let you go."

Avan's possessive sentence had me shuddering.

"You can." I insisted, shrugging out of his hold.

"But I really don't want to." He whispers, flushing myself against him once more.

My face burns from both embarrassment and anger. "Yes you can, asshole. You'll do it unless you want me to call the police, you psycho." I shout, having his wrist and pulling it away from my waist.

He releases a frustrated sigh, "Can't you see I've been trying to let you go? But I just can't seem to. You know what was the first thing I thought when I saw you? 'Wow, she's unbelievably gorgeous. She's so innocent it's amazing, I think it was love at first sight' do you hear that, red?" He asked taking deep breaths, his eyes flashed a momentarily black color. Causing goosebumps to arise on my skin.

I gulp, completely turning shy. He loved me? He's insane. "That's impossible, it took me two years to realize I love Aiden. What makes you think I'll believe you?" I question, keeping my guard up.
"Aiden?" He growled. He takes hold of my elbow, puking me a lot closer to him than I was before. "Listen, angel. You are mine, you've been mine since I've lay my eyes on you back at that bar. Actually even way back, you've been mine since I've caught a whiff of your addictive scent." Avan snarled, smashing his lips towards mine. A seductive glint passes through his expression, before disappearing into utter rage.

This was an angry kiss.

Was it bad that I find this amazing?

Was it even worse that I find this better than Aiden's kisses?

Avan slips his tongue through my shocked lips, regaining my right of mind I put my hands on his chest attempting to push him away. His hold of my waist falls, and grips my face instead.

I yelp comes from me when he flicked his tongue. He was a really good kisser. I fall into the kiss myself, and loop my asks around his neck.

Avan lifts me up, while I wrap my, legs around his lean waist. He slams my back against my SUV. I pull away from the kiss, breathing harshly as I was filled with adrenaline.

"You want to go for another round." His voice turns husky.

I gasp as he grinds his arousal against my core. My eyebrows furrowed, and I push him away landing gracefully on my feet.

"That was a mistake, and it never happened." I tell him, picking up my car keys and opening my car.

I check my mirror to see his regretful expression.

Why did this hurt so much?


Avan tugs on his hair, pushing around the gravel path. That was a mistake, I should've taken it slower. His self hatred almost consuming himself.

"Go after her, idiot."

A voice interrupts, Avan glanced behind him curiously. His beta, Cole, grinned. Avan glares at him.

"How long have you been standing there?" Avan questions curiously.

Cole shrugs, "Since the hot make out scene."

Avan snarls, "erase that away from your brain, I don't need you jerking off to it." Knowing Cole all too well he would do so.

Cole frowns, "I have porn for that, you know? Anyways so being a stupid Alpha and go get the Luna, half the back is shady rounded in the back."

Avan nods, running towards the woods, alongside the gravel path. Shifting into his gruesome beast, shredding his clothing. He runs full speed, he only hoped he could at, least get her to accept his apology.


I scream frustratingly, that man was irritating. Tears flooded down my face, blurring my vision of the road.

Ah who cares? Not like I'm going to run something down.


Fear jerks inside me. My feet slams on the brakes, the squealing of my tires sounded. I rush out of my car, wiping away the tears. I look at the road behind my car to see a collapsed dog.

A really big dog.

It lets out a whine, unmoving. I jog to it's body afraid to touch it. It just might spring alivee any moment and eat me up. Slowly my hand crept to touch it, "Um doggy are you alright?" I question nervously.

The first time in years I've been out of my apartment I killed a dog.

Great, stick 'dog murderer' on my resume now. I'm sure I'll get hired sooner or later.

My hands finally made contact on its soft fur. The shiny black coat shone in the setting sky. I cursed to myself, falling down to my knees and lifting its huge head on my lap. I inspected it of any injuries, seeing only a wooden leg I drag it's body in my car.

I hope it was okay.


Avan barked at the moving SUV, receiving no reply. He howls absolutely angry.

He then concluded that the only way of getting his attention was too stop her dead in her tracks.

He speeds ahead, before rushing into the gravel path. Avan stands proudly and spots the car coming slowly. However speeding up, did she not see me?

He stood his ground, thinking she was only trying to scare him off the road. As the car gets closer and closer he soon realized she wasn't going to stop.

Too late.

A flash of headlights caused the poor Avan to go unconscious.


Avan glances up weakly, to see her panicked expression. She petted his furry head, "Doggy, stay awake." He hears her say.

He attempts to keep awake, however failing and fading into a deep abyss.

Please forgive me Leah.

* * * * *
Why did you steal my cotton candy heart?
You threw it in this damn coin slot,
And now I'm stuck, I'm stuck,riding, riding, riding.

-Melanie Martinez "Carousel"

Oh no! Avan got hit! :'( Cries slightly.

I think I've competed about 10,000 words already :) (I mean for the whole book) yay! :) anyways if you haven't, please, pretty please go on Twitter and nominate "Avan".

If you want to, I'm not forcing you to do so. But it would make me extremely happy. (But do it only if you like it, not because I begged you too :D)

Margareth Valley

Katie McGrath playing Avan's mother, her name still unknown to us ^^^

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