Chapter 21-Once an asshole, Always an asshole part 2

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Eric's POV

Savannah was gone for the weakened to visit her parents. She had asked me if I wanted to come with her but I told her I couldn't because I had to catch up on assignments. But infact I didn't really had much assignment to complete I just didn't feel like spending my weekend with her parents. Even worst since we started sleeping together you know being physical I would feel a bit guilty being around her and her parents since I couldn't keep my hands off her. That wouldn't be appropriate around them.
Savannah and I had talked on the phone earlier and she told me she was OK and stuff. I then decide to go hang out with marks and Kevin since we haven't really hang out as much since Savannah and I started dating. I didn't want it to look like I've forgotten about then the minute I had a stable girl. We've been friends since high school.

I called Mark and let him know that I was coming over to gang out with them. Mark and Kevin were roommates they lived on campus though.
When I got there, we hang out for a few hours chatting and watching the game and so on until I decided it was time to go home. While on my way home I stopped for Chinese takeouts since I really didn't feel like cooking when I got home and since Savannah wasn't there.

I got inside and went to place my order. While waiting for my order I decide to go wait by one of the tables in the corner. I sat there for a time until I noticed this girl which I slept with before coming up to me. I think her name was Avery. She spotted me and smiled at me, I tried being polite so I smiled back as she came near to my table but before I could say anything she sat down beside me and kissed me.
I quickly pushed her away.

"Hey What's wrong?" She asked me when I pushed her off me,

"You. That's what's wrong" I said to her angrily.

"What?" She asked sounding confused.

"You kissing me is what's wrong. I have a girlfriend now so I don't appreciate you walking up to me and kissing me. Get it in your head you and I was only a one time thing. Only my girlfriend can kiss me and you and I aren't together not now, not then, not ever" I told her as I got up then head back to the cashier counter to collect my order there.

When I got home I noticed Savannah's car was here. What was she doing back this early I thought to myself. I hurried inside to see her. She was only gone for a day but I missed hger already.

"Savannah?" I called out as I entered the house. She wasn't in the living room or the kitchen so I guess she was in her room. I made my way towards her room and did that her door was closed.

"Sav?" I called out as I knocked the door. There was no reply but I heard a snifle. Wait, was she crying? I then turned her doorknob and entered. She was laying on her bed with her back turn to me. "Baby, is everything alright? What are you doing back here so early?" I asked as I sat on her bed. She didn't respond bit I heard her snifled again. I reached out to touch her.

"Baby are you crying. What's wrong?" I asked worriedly. She pulled away from my touch and turned to face me. I noticed that her eyes and face was red and puffy from crying.

"Don't touch me!" She yelled at me.

"Baby? What's wrong?" I asked again.

"Don't baby me Lopez" she shouted. She only called me Lopez when she was mad at me. " Did you told me you had assignments just so you can go play hooky while I was gone!?".

"Sav I don't understand what are you talking about?" I asked her feeling really confused at what she was saying.

"You lied to me!" She yelled, "You told me you couldn't come with me because you had to catch up on assignments, only for me to come back to find you gone and then hooking up in Chinese restaurants with your fake tramps!".

I instantly knew she was talking about the earlier incident with Avery. Oh my god, I can't believe she saw that.

"No baby, nothing happen" I told her quickly. "I was hanging out with Kevin and Mark and on my way back here I stopped at the restaurant to get take away. While I was waiting I saw her and she just came up to me and kissed me. But I pushed her off instancely".

"Why the hell would she just do that if you weren't hooking up with her?" She asked.

"Because I slept with her. But that was months before you and I happened. She seemed to think we still had something but I made sure she knows we don't and that I had you" I told her. "Sav I'm sorry OK, but I'd never lie to you and hurt you like that you have to believe me".

She looked at me as if trying to see if I was really telling the truth. I held he hands and looked into her eyes. "Please baby you have to believe me. I didn't cheat on you, I would never hurt you like that Savannah. I love you" I said to her pleading.

"OK" she whispered and I hugged her.

"I love you baby. I love you so much" I said to her as I kissed her head.

"I love you too" she said as she snifled again then wipe her tear stain cheek.
I took her face in my hand then kissed her face then her lips, she immediately closed her eyes then respond to my kiss.

End of chapter 21

Well they made up. Eric wasn't cheating on her.

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