Chapter 6- The hatred continued

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Its been a month now since I have to be living with Eric.
Our little battle continued. As both Eric and I couldn't stand each other and would argued every now and then whenever he annoyed me or was inconsiderate for example when hewoild play his music extremely loud in late nights so I couldn't sleep well or in early mornings I'd be disturbed from my sleep due to his loud music which I often have to shout at him to quit it. He would also spitefully mess up the kitchen or living room and I would have to be the one cleaning it up. He was really annoying and really arrogant.
He was also very cocky and seemed to have a massive ego.

I however found out that he was 21years old, his parents were rich as his Dad's own a company with a chain of hotels and restaurants over the country and his mom was a lawyer and that he was also an only child. He was also expected to take over his father's company whenever he retired. He also took a few years from attending college just to go touring with this buddies.
How did I learned all this? Well let's just say I overheard certain phone conversations from time to time and upon Google research I found out about his Dad's real occupation. Also I found out that professor Caldwell was also his Father's uncle son which made him his cousin.

Alexa and Chelsea have been over to my apartment from time to time and they had to play referees and mediators in some of Eric's and I fights. These fights and arguments were pretty much an everyday issue.

Chelsea, Alexa and I have became even closer over the month.
I got to meet Chelsea's mom and older sister since they lived in town closed by actually. Dominic's parents and Chelsea's mom and sister are actually neighbours. Chelsea and Dominic however loved together in an apartment close to the university as well.
I got to visit Alexa's parents and meet her twin siblings when I went home with her one weekend. They live about 2 and a half hours away from here actually. Her parents kept talking about how much I've grown.
Alexa also came home with me the other weekend, my parents were glad that I visited them and were glad to see Alexa and to see that were friends again. Janina was only 3 when Alexa moved away so she didn't quite remember her, but they hit it off though. She was glad to gave me home for that weekend and was really grumpy when we left early the Monday morning.


I was on my way home from hanging out with Alexa and Chelsea and Dominic. They were really entertaining I had a lot of fun.
As I reached home I parked my car and noticed that Eric is home as well as both his bike and car was here.
Just great, couldn't he kept his trend going of not being home till late? For the start of the week Eric wasn't around much until late. And I got to say he did well for me by not being around much.

I opened the front door and stepped into the living room but I immediately was grossed out and shocked at the sight in front of me. Eric was shirtless in the couch making out intensely with this blond who was only in her bra and a short skirt while his and her shirt were thrown on the floor. She was straddling his lap. They were obviously about to get it on, even yours in the living room on a couch which I also happened to used. That's so disgusting.

"Omg" I said quite disgusted, and they were now aware of my presence.

"What the hell are you doing here? Eric asked sounding quite agitated as he pushed the fake looking blond girl off him and wiping his mouth.

"Excuse me, but I live here" I replied disgusted by him and his previous actions.

"Who the hell are you?" Blondie asked angrily. Wow so she's going to start throwing a tantrum soon.

"I'm his roommate, and I so happened to used that couch as well so I'm suggesting you two take this..." I said while pointing between the two of them "...elsewhere".

"Eric, babe. You live with this b*tch?" She said to him.

"Woah! You the hell are you calling a b*tch? B*tch! Considering you're here about to get it on on my couch makes you more of a b*tch" I said to her. I then turned to look at Eric " Look Lopez, I suggest you take your little booty call here else where to finish what you start. Others happened to live here as well so I'm suggesting you take her back to her brothel". I said as I walked off towards my room leaving Blondie gasping at me with wide eyes.
Well I guess she's shocked that I actually answered her, she probably think I was a pushover.

After I entered my room a few minutes later I heard the front door closed. Well good they're gone. I went into the bathroom then have a nice warm shower and washed my hair. After I was down I wrapped myself in a towel then Fred excess water from my hair with other, I then let it fall down my back leaving it to air dry. I went back into my room and change into a yellow cotton pyjama shorts and a white and yellow matching spaghetti strap blouse. I then went to the kitchen and decided to make some quick instant mash potatoes with gravy. After was finished I poured myself a glass of fruit juice then head to the living room to eat dinner.

I decided to sit in one of the single sofa and avoid the long one because of what Eric was about to do on it, who knows how many times he had done it there before.
I sat down on switch on the TV putting it on Disney channel.
After I was finished eating Eric returned. He came and sat down on the long sofa.

"Wow" he sighed with a smug smile on his face. Throwing his arms at the back of the chair he looked at me. " You know, I just had one of the best evenings" he said wriggling his eyebrows.
I instantly knew he was talking about him and blondie.

I rolled my eyes while I continued to watched the movie. I was feeling really irritated with him right now. Even worst I just started to get this Bellyaches and pain in my lower back.

"You know, you should probably try having a good time as well with someone" he said, " maybe if you were getting laid you'd be much more easygoing".

I gasped at him, "I'm not as desperate as you are" I said as I got up to go put the plates in the kitchen. "And I'm not a slut either" I added.

He then started chuckling as I passed him. "Well maybe not, but maybe you're an artist right now" he said while I looked at him confused. What the hell is he babbling about.
"You have a little painting on your shorts back there" he said pointing to my shorts.

My eyes widened as I turned to look at my butt, and sure enough my shorts had been stained with my monthly gift. Why now? Why infront of him? How the hell could i have been so stupid as to let this happened? This is so embarrassing. I gasped and ran to the kitchen put drown the dirty dishes that were in my hand then ran to my room slamming and locking the door behind me.

I was so humiliated that tears started running from my eyes. I can't believed I just had the most embarrassing moment of my life in front of a guy who I can't stand and who can't stand me. Just like the universe is showing that it really hates you Sav. I went to my drawers and took out a sanitary napkin and a change of panties and shorts. I went to the bathroom and took care of myself and took a pill for cramps.
I went back to my room and lay on my bed. I'm never gonna be able to face Eric ever again without being embarrassed all over again I thought to myself as I hugged my pink bunny and silently cried myself to sleep.


End of chapter 6
Omg at what happened to Savannah, she must be really embarrassed. In addition Eric was being an ass once again making fun of her about it. Smh

Picture of Savannah's pink stuffed bunny above.

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