Chapter 9- Getting closer with Dylan

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For the past month I've been getting closer and hanging out with Dylan. I've stopped hiding from Eric now but I refused to acknowledged his presence or and talked to him whenever we may accidentally bumped into each other in the house.
He was also acting a bit different towards me as well. He doesn't try to irritate me as he used to before or make snooty comments as before. Its like he's just trying to live normal with me without us fighting or arguing, all in all he seem to get that I was avoiding him and thus he left me alone but at times I'd catch him glancing at me weirdly.

Tonight I have a date with Dylan, he finally asked me out and I decided to give it a shot and I said yes.
Its a saturday night and it was 5:00 and Dylan told me he'd picked me up at 6:30 so I decided to get ready.
I went to the bathroom had a shower then came out and started to get dressed. I decide on wearing a mid thigh dress with lace sleeves just below my elbow and floral material at the top with a flare off black skirt bottom and some nude peep toe pumps. I then applied some eyeliner and mascara and red lipstick, my hair was straightened with one side pinned and some hair left to fall at my right side of face. I put on my gold necklace, my watch, a ring and two lack bangles I grabbed my black purse and put my wallet in, lipgloss, a small bottle of hand sanitizer and moisturizer, a pack of wipes and tissue, a small mirror and keys in it. As I was existing my room I heard talking in the living room, when I reached in there I discovered that those voices were Dylan and Eric. He must have came and knocked and Eric let him in.

"Hey, you're early" I said to him as I walked up to him giving him a quick hug.

"Wow. You look beautiful" he told me as I smiled and blushed.

"Thanks. You look good yourself" I told him. He was wearing a baby blue shirt with a black blazer, blue jeans and black converse shoes.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah, let's go" I said as I walked towards the door.

"See ya man" he said to Eric.

"Yeah" Eric replied and I noticed him glancing st me again with the weird expression he's been sporting for the past month every time he looks at me.
Dylan and I then exist the apartment and closed the door behind us as we made our way to his car.


Dylan and I drove about 30minutes more into the city where he took me to dinner at a classy little restaurant then we went to the movies which was nearby. Throughout dinner dylan sure kept me entertained, he told me about when he was going high school. We talked about ours families, university etc. All in all I had fun.
Then Dylan dropped me off back at home, he walked me to the door then surprised me when he gave me a quick kiss on my lips then said goodbye.

I opened the front door smiling, I walked in and closed it leaning against it as I smiled and touch my lips where he had kissed me.
I've only been kiss maybe twice in my life, in high school when I went on different dates but none of them worked out so yeah, you've guessed it, I never had a boyfriend before. And although Dylan's kiss was just a quick peck it still made me feel 'butterflies' as most girls would say.

I then look up to see Eric sitting in the sofa looking at me with another expression I can't quite interpret or understand.

"Back from your date with loverboy?" He asked. "Seems someone got a kiss".

Great so now I guess the assy Eric was about to start coming back.
"Why do you care?" I said irritated as I walked passed him going into the kitchen to get a drink.

He got up and follow me to the kitchen.
"I don't" he said.

"Well good" I said, then added "Stop asking".

I grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and was about to exist the kitchen when Eric grabbed my wrist.

"What the he-.." I began to say but he cut me off.

" Hey, Tweety bird I know we can't stand each other but I just wanna apologized to you about that little incident last month, when I made that artist comment. I shouldn't have done that" he said looking at me with those gorgeous blue eyes. Wait- did I just thought about how Eric's eyes were gorgeous? Woah time out on that.
I then realized what he was apologising about and I was embarrassed all over again as I remembered when I messed up myself and he saw.

"Noted" I said as I ripped my hand from him and hurriedly went to my room.
I locked the door behind me and sighed as went to change my clothes then shower and brush my teeth and got in bed. I then saw a text came in on my phone from Dylan.

'Hey Sav, I had a wonderful evening, thanks. Now goodnight sleep well :)'

I smiled to myself as I took up my phone and replied.

'Me too. Goodnight to you too :)'

I put back my phone on the bedside table then fall asleep with a smile on my face but not before my mind wonder to Eric's apology from earlier.

Yaay end of chapter 9
Eric finally apologized to Savannah. Do you think she'll forgive him?

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