Scene 086

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Scene 086

"What am I going to wear? There will be so many new people to greet," Amy asked herself.

"Why not wear the silver outfit you crafted for yourself? Maybe put up your hair and get yourself some nice decoration pieces to go around your neck?" asked Cat.

"It just might work." Amy began to search all of her clothes. "You want to know something, Cat? I think. Dam is hiding something from me," Amy stated as she continued to pull out clothes.

Silence filled the room. "Why do you say that?" asked Cat.

"It's just a feeling I'm getting. I know it's in here somewhere." She pulled out ever more clothes. "As long as he's not married or wanted for anything illegal I think I'll be able to handle it," Amy said, then with a smile. "Here it is."

"You think so?"

Looking closely at the outfit, she said, "Yes. I'm sure this is the correct one." Amy nodded her head.

"That is not what I mean," Cat started.

"What color of jewelry do you think would look good with this outfit?" asked Amy. "Oh well, I'll figure it out while I shower." She shrugged and went into the bathroom leaving behind a stumped Cat.

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