Scene 053

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Scene 053

When the lift stopped, Amy ran out of it, passed Abney, and into Cargo Bay Six. Amy knew she needed to get to Dam. He would help, protect her.

What's up? Thought Abney as she watched the cargo bay's door close. Shaking her head, she went back to work.

Looking up when he heard the door's close, Dam saw Amy running full tilt into the room. Her face was totally white. She was squeezing Lubin to her chest. She stopped just inside of the room. "What's up?" Dam questioned sharply.

"I'm . . . Turk . . . Lubin . . . " Was all Amy could gasp.

"Slow down. Take a deep breath. Calm down," instructed Dam. He got to his feet, headed toward Amy. He wrapped his arms around Amy and Lubin, and placed his head on top of Amy's.

"I was leaving my cabin. Turk was outside waiting for me. He started making accusations. Lubin must have felt he was threatening me because, Lubin then attacked Turk." She stopped to take a deep breath.

Tension filled Dam. "Where is Turk, now?" Dam's voice was mild, but he had a look of deadly calm on his face.

Sighing, she leaned into Dam's embrace. "Jac came and sent me down here. He said he would take care of Turk and his problems."

Taking a deep breath, Dam knew his friend could handle Turk and any problems he might cause. Right now, Amy needed him to be calm. "OK, then let's do some exercises to calm you down." Said Dam. He gave Amy a big hug and walked back toward the far side of the bay.

Amy let out another large sigh, slid to the floor, and released Lubin. "This had better not be hard. I don't think I can take any more today. I've had a very trying and busy day."

Dam gave a small laugh. "No, we're only going to do some stretches to calm your body." He took a seat on the mats. "Come over here and follow my movements."

Amy crawled away from the door toward Dam. As she sat facing Dam, Amy rotated her head. "OK, where do we start?"

Smiling Dam said. "Well, you just did the first thing I was going to suggest. Now, again, but take a deep breath before starting and let it out when you're finished."

Amy did as Dam asked. "Do it a few more times until you're starting to feel in control." Amy worked at it for a few minutes until she let out a large sigh of relief.

"Now, let's do some basic stretches. I'd like for you to do these every day," said Dam. He began to display the stretches.

Giving a large sigh, Amy rolled her shoulders and followed along.

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