Scene 013

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Scene 013

"Your call is here, Amy," Cat said, interrupting the flow of the Valdiar video. "Do you want me to patch it through to the terminal?" 

"No. I just want audio, sound. I'm not ready to see him or have him see me," said Amy. Sitting up straighter in her chair, She tidied up her hair with an unconscious move. 

"Your call has been put through. You may talk at anytime," Cat replied. 

"Hello?" Amy greeted tentatively. 

"Greetings, my mate," Dam said in a deep rich voice. 

Amy fell silent. She didn't know how to begin or where to start. The deep voice had sent warm shivers down her spine. 

"Are you all right Amy?" asked Cat. "You are never this quiet. Should I call the Medic?" 

Embarrassed, Amy called, "Cat, I'm fine. Please turn yourself off or whatever you do until my call is over." 

"So, you're not usually this quiet?" Came the rich voice again. His voice ran straight through Amy, causing a warm spot to settle in her middle. 

"I don't know where to start. There's so much I want to say, to ask." Amy rushed, staring at her hands. The room fell silent for a moment. 

"We seem to have a problem. Here's what we'll do, I'll call you every day until you reach Valdiar. We both ask one personal question today, two questions tomorrow, three the next day, and so on. Do you understand?" Dam asked. His voice was as rich as chocolate syrup. Amy could sit all day and listen to it.  

"You'll be arriving on Valdiar in about fourteen days." There was a pause from Dam. "Which means we'll ask a total of one hundred five questions of each other before we meet." 

Thinking about it for a moment, Amy then replied, "All right, but you go first." 

"Well, let me think. What is your biggest dream?" 

Amy replied before she could think her answer through. "My biggest dream is to be accepted, totally. I want someone to accept all of me, just the way fate intended." 

There was a moment of tense silence. Amy asked, "Are you really as tall, brawny, and dark as you are in my dreams? Or is it just a dream?" 

Dam was quiet for a few minutes. Then he answered with just a hint of laughter. "Yes, I am tall. I have a broad physique and dark hair." 

A long silence filled the room. 

"We've talked enough today. Will the same time tomorrow be all right with you?" asked Dam, question was ripe in his voice. 

"Same time, same channel. I've nothing else to do or anywhere else to go," Amy said with a faint laugh. 

"Goodbye then, until tomorrow." 

"The transmission has been terminated," called Cat. "Do you want me to continue with the videos?" 

"No," said Amy. Moving from the terminal, she walked into the living area. "I'm going to take a small nap for a couple of hours. Please, dim the lights and turn on some soft country." 

The lights dimmed in the cabin. A soft country song played in the background. "Good-sleep Amy. I will wake you in a few hours."

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