Chapter Seventeen, Part Four - Naked

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"Satisfied?" I asked the Witches, who waited patiently as I redressed. Standing before me, Ethan did his best to act as a cover, biting his lip and staring fixedly away. 

"If that one pays Claudia's tab, and if you, Naomi, cover the cost of her ingredients, then yes--we have ourselves a deal," the middle Witch replied.

I finished dressing then made my way to the counter and set the list atop its smooth, spotless surface. Meanwhile, the sister on the right turned to the wall behind them. She dropped her hand then raised it across her chest in a single, fluid movement, mimicking the motion of sunrise to sunset.

Together, Ethan and I watched in amazement as the back wall of The Bakery shimmered and rippled, like colors bleeding on a palette. The sister on the left departed from her position behind the counter. She walked past, blowing a kiss at a stunned Ethan before locking the door and flipping the store's welcome sign to closed.

By now the back wall had disappeared entirely, revealing an opening to a vast room. Its floors and walls were of rough cement, and bare light bulbs swayed in a cold, strong breeze. Their light revealed several rows of wooden shelves stocked with jars and containers of all shapes, colors, and sizes. Some were filled with liquids, and others with powders or gels, while many seemed to contain nothing at all. I inhaled, detecting mary-jane and other unfamiliar herbs, their scents amplified by a powerful AC. Like the fragrances, the Witch's Magic had also concealed the loud humming of the air conditioner, which was now quite noticeable.

"Holy smokes Batman--the Bakery is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside," said Ethan, gazing in wonder.

"Oh, sweetheart," said the middle sister, eyeing Ethan with amusement. "This process is so much simpler without questions. Naomi, darling--" She raised an eyebrow at me. "We've broken rules for you. Our business only works because we remain exclusive. I trust you understand that discretion is key?"

"We were never here." I replied. "As long as you're still suffering from amnesia about my fur..."

"What fur?" She smiled. "I must admit, we appreciate you and your little friend settling Claudia's debt. Business has been slow these days--members of the Red Hand pretend they're too well-stocked to visit."

"The Red Hand?" I asked.

"Our old coven," she explained. "We're on the outs and losing profit because of it, but what can you do? We still look out for our Witch-Sisters as best we can--which is why we got in involved with Claudia to begin with. I'd keep an eye on that one if I were you. She may seem innocent, but she's about as real as a mirage..."

"To be honest, I don't know her that well," I admitted. "And Ethan's never even met her. We're doing this for her out of necessity more than anything."

"Mmm. Sad isn't it? We try to help each other, doing what we can to stay ahead in a world determined to see its own destruction." The Witch shrugged and exhaled. "Anyway, we wouldn't entirely hate it if you two returned for more business. And Claudia doesn't have to be the middle man--feel free to come straight to the source. Remember, the more business we do the more your discount will grow..."

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind," I said, and turned to my friend, who was captivated by the sister from the left. She set a glass jar full of toe nails on top of the counter, then walked up to Ethan.

"Hey slick, want me to read your palm in the bathroom?" she coyly asked.

Ethan didn't say anything but looked at me, as if asking for my permission to go. He bit his lip, and I pretended not to notice his obvious hesitance.

"Fifteen minutes," I said, and watched as she led him away. "Any longer and I'm leaving without you."

"Moira, she's at the palmistry again, damnit!" called the middle sister to the one who solely remained at work. She rolled her eyes. "Don't worry, our sister really can read palms. She only just got her power, so she's obsessed with practicing. I tell her not to bother the customers with it but she never listens."

"Hey, doesn't bother me. You saw how fast he left. That's his business."

A knowing smirked played across her lips. "You sure it doesn't bother you?"


Truth? It shouldn't have, but it rubbed me the wrong way to imagine my Champion, alone, in a bathroom with another girl. Nevertheless, my opportunity with Ethan had come and passed. We were friends and nothing more so I ignored the fact that it felt like an invasion of my very heart and soul to know I had given him permission to be with someone else. These days, ignoring my feelings seemed to be the only way I could get necessary jobs done. Closing my eyes to emotions was the only way I lived. It was also the only way I survived.

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