Chapter Five, Part Three - Fool Me Once

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Somehow I managed to stumble my way to a secluded clump of bushes, where I could vomit in private.

"You're doing fine, Naomi," said a kind, familiar voice. "That's it - just breathe through it."

I retched and coughed, gagging until I felt warm, comforting hands on my back. But I shrugged them off and lurched away, knowing that it was Ethan.

Breathless, I sagged against a tree, wiping sweat and tears from my face.

"I think you're experiencing vertigo." He looked for all the world as if he wanted to come closer, but didn't dare. "It happens to some people after they've gone through the ceremony. I read in this book about how exchanging pieces of your soul can really screw with your inner ear."

"How could you do this to me?" Still shaking, I rinsed my mouth with saliva and spat.

"Naomi, I knew that if I told you the truth about the Champion's bond you wouldn't have gone for it," Ethan answered. "But I want you to know that it kills me now realizing I did it this way. I was wrong and I'm sorry."

I looked back at him, incredulous. "So that's it? You think an apology can fix what you've done?"

"Naomi, we can get through this - it doesn't have to be the end of the world. All we have to do is take it one day at a time. You'll be ok - I promise."

"Are you serious?!" In my anger I forgot the vertigo. "You embarrassed me back there - I was thrown completely off guard! But I would've made an even bigger fool of myself by saying no at the least minute. And if that's not bad enough, I've got pieces of you floating around in my head now! So you tell me - how are things ever gonna to be ok after this?"

Ethan turned his face from mine, closing his eyes and biting his lip as he dealt with his own suffering.

"Just tell me one thing. Did you do this just to get back at me for what happened last night?"

Ethan looked at me with genuine disbelief. "What? Naomi of course not! Look, I know it doesn't seem that way, but I didn't do this to hurt you. I asked to be your Champion before we went to that party, remember? Tidus Romaine had nothing to do with this."

"Well guess what - I believe you. I don't have a choice because I can literally feel the pain this caused you... but that doesn't excuse what you've done."

I made to walk past Ethan, but he grabbed me roughly by the shoulders, forcing me to turn around and look at him.

"Stay. Don't leave," he begged. "Naomi, please, please, let me help you through this."

But I pushed him back. "Ethan, right now, you're the last person I want anything from. I wish I'd never met you."

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