Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Carlos and Twitch barely made it to the border with a minute to spare before a vehicle came speeding towards them.

The windows had been shot out, whether on purpose or by enemy fire, Carlos did not care because at that moment three insurgents were currently leaning out of those windows and firing automatic weapons at them.

They did not have time to think that they might be killed here, their bodies were hard-wired to act first and then react second.

Everyone instantly moved into position.

Carlos placed himself behind a stationary vehicle to the side of the road and shot at the vehicle still heading towards them, crashing through bikes and scooters which had been left in the road.

I guess Jules miscalculated this one, Carlos thought, but somehow that didn't seem right either.

Where were they going? There isn't any way out here.

All Carlos could see were rows and rows of houses and streets which inevitably wound back towards the centre.

Somebody called for back-up over the radio, stating that they had the vehicle in their sights when the insurgent in the back seat got clipped with a bullet, tearing through his neck.

Not having the time to look into it now, Carlos aimed up the driver and fired but the vehicle was moving too fast and his bullets simply ricocheted off of the bonnet.

The vehicle was almost in line with his position behind the car.

Taking his chance, Carlos stood up straight and aimed his rifle.

For a split second, Carlos and the vehicle were perfectly in line with each other that Carlos could see the side-profiles of each occupant, the driver closest to himself.

The insurgent didn't see him until it was too late.

Carlos aimed at the driver and shot, repeatedly.

The first two bullets found their way into the driver's head, whilst a third blasted through his neck and hit the passenger in his chest.

The driver's body slumped against the wheel, his foot pressing into the accelerator, forcing the car off the road and into the side of a building.

Approaching from all angles, they surrounded the vehicle and peered in through the windows.

Carlos stared at the two front seat occupants. Neither of them were Farhat, "Twitch?"

Twitch heard the question in his voice and he reached into the back seat and turned the insurgent over to see his face.

Carlos watched in hesitation as he looked up and shook his head, "It's not him."

"What?" Carlos stepped forward and looked for himself.

"Well, where is he then?" Someone asked in the background, whilst someone was calling over the radio for an update.

"Oh God," Carlos suddenly realised what had happened, "She was right. Jules was goddman right!"

"What? What do you mean?"

Carlos looked at the others, "Farhat isn't here. This was a diversion!"

He saw the moment when everyone's eyes seemed to light up, as if someone had flipped on a switch inside their heads.

Already running, Carlos began to scream into his headset, "It was a diversion! Farhat is at the southern exit! Send everyone now!"

* * *

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