Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

The chips were salty against her tongue as she pressed them into her mouth. It had the dual effect of curing her hunger and stopping her from talking.

With not much to do in Bishop's Green, Jules had shown him around the town. She had shown him the school that she and her brothers had gone to, the library where she had gotten her first job when she was 15, and finally to the only fish and chips shop that was open at lunchtime.

Perching themselves on a bench in the park, talk about Afghanistan had been scarce.

It made Jules worry that the topic would soon rear its ugly head, calling them back to the frontline in their minds.

Maybe that was why she continued to chain eat chips smothered in salt and vinegar.

"So," Marc broke the silence, brushing his overgrown hair back.

He needed a haircut before he returned to the front line.

"How have you been?" Marc slipped a chip between his lips, leaving her to answer.

Jules swallowed around the food in her mouth, "Yeah, it's been good."

"Your mother seemed a bit . . ." Marc tread carefully.

Jules looked at him from the corner of her eye, "She doesn't like speaking about Afghanistan. She thinks I should be working in a shop, looking for a bloke to marry and settle down."

Marc raised an eyebrow, "Mothers can be like that."

Jules gave a small scoff.

"Your Dad seemed like a nice bloke. Has he served?"

Jules nodded, "I think he was upset when my brothers didn't choose to go into the military; they're both older than me. He worries, but at least he recognises that it's what I want to do. I'm still fairly certain that my mother tells our neighbours that I'm on a sabbatical somewhere." Jules tried to joke but neither of them laughed.

It highlighted how much Jules actually needed her mother to accept her choices, and it made her angry to think that she still wanted, or needed, her mother's approval.

"What about your parents?" Jules lifted her head, "Eh, why aren't you with your family now?"

Marc gave a sigh and slouched down into the bench, "My parents are away on holiday in the Caribbean. They support me in what I do and I'm an only child," He shrugged, "There's not much to tell really."

Jules leaned away and gave him a look, "Something tells me that there's a lot more to be told."

"Nope," Marc shook his head, "I am a very boring person. But you," Marc tilted his head towards her, "You have a whole mystery around you."

"Me?" Jules squeaked as Marc indicated towards her past. She suddenly wanted Carlos here, to help.

"Yes, you," Marc sat up straight once again, letting the chips sit in his lap, "You're 'a riddle wrapped up in an enigma'."

"Churchill." Jules muttered subconsciously as she heard the famous quote fall from Marc's lips.

Marc smiled instantly as his desire for Jules rocketed by her knowledge.

"So, come on," Marc wouldn't drop it, "Why is your records classified?"

Jules snapped her head and frowned at him.

"After what Kipling said, I called in a favour."

Jules anger grew deeper as she realised she was vulnerable. She could not tell him her past, even if that meant losing him.

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