Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Okay, Ramirez, you, Twitch, Kipling and Terry take the left flank," Marc gave out the orders as they entered the small village already empty of people, "Allen, Willis and Boyle, you're to meet up with C-Division over on the right flank."

Jules sent Carlos a look before she turned to Marc in suspicion, "What about me?"

Marc gave a knowing look, "You and me are to take the building on the corner."

Jules looked past his shoulder where, twenty metres further down the dirt track, lay a small, one storey high building made from brick and mud.

"Alright, move out!" Someone shouted as they were given the call that the target was nearly five minutes away.

Picking up her pack, from where it had been resting against her leg, Jules shifted the rifle in her arms to accommodate them both and shoved past Marc.

Carlos was laughing as she passed him, "Bet you regret hooking up, now?"

"Piss off, Ramirez," Jules snapped but he had a point. Unbeknownst to him though, Jules and Marc had 'hooked up' more than once and this was the only time that Marc had gone out of his way to be put beside her on a mission.

It made her wary, not to mention suspicious.

Standing in the open doorway, Jules stared in at the dank darkness that awaited her.

Barely a few metres wide either side, Jules turned and planted herself into the corner by the window.

She rested her rifle on the thick ledge and secured her pack onto her shoulder, checking and re-checking her ammunition and radio equipment.

She was re-checking her ammunition, pulling the switch back, when Marc joined her. He eyed the gun in her hands warily.

"ETA three minutes." A voice called over their ear piece.

Jules shook her head as she tried to dislodge the feeling of déjà vu that she was experiencing. She had been waiting for a convoy once before and Evans and Jackson had been killed.

She was determined that history would not repeat itself.

Marc checked his own weapon and stood opposite her, by his own window that looked out onto the same strip.

"I had a good time last night," Marc told her.

"Yeah," Jules nodded, her eyes cast over the street outside. Her gaze turned upwards towards the roofs. She should be up there, Jules thought, with a sniper rifle and a whole lot of ammunition.

"Maybe," Marc shrugged, "When we get back home, we should go out sometime."

Jules scoffed, "Home?" They wouldn't be leaving here for at least another six months, unless it was in a body bag which was a high possibility.

"Well, I would take you out for dinner here but there is always the chance we could get blown up," Marc winked.

Jules watched him as he didn't get her meaning.

"Marc," Jules licked her lips, wondering how she was going say what she had to tell him.

"Ooh, I love it when you say my name." He joked.

Jules closed her eyes briefly as she recalled that particular event from their times together. He wasn't making this easy.

"Marc," She tried again, "Maybe it is best that we don't-"

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