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Lanecea stood in her genealogy room, the faint glow of candlelight casting flickering shadows on the ancient tapestries and portraits of her ancestors. She wore a 17th-century gown befitting a French noblewoman and mistress, its rich fabric clinging to her curves, the bodice cut low to accentuate her figure. Her long dark brown hair, wavy and cascading past her hips, framed her face, which was etched with worry as she held a letter on parchment bearing the governor of Port Royal's seal.

Her dryad friends and advisers surrounded her, their presence a silent testament to the gravity of the situation. Among them were her distant cousins from Ireland, James, a druid, and his wife Mollie, a seer, their eyes reflecting Lanecea's unease.

"I cannot reach Storm," Lanecea's voice trembled as she addressed her companions. "He isn't answering my messages, and the time to act is now. The British delegation will arrive shortly, and I fear we are running out of options."

The air in the room was thick with tension, the only sound was the soft rustle of the dryads' leaves. Thunder rumbled ominously overhead, a prelude to the storm brewing both outside and within Lanecea's heart.

Elderon, the dryad, stepped forward. His presence was commanding yet gentle as he reached for Lanecea, guiding her to the open window. He pressed his body against hers, the rigid muscles of his form a stark contrast to her soft curves.

"Call out to him. He needs you as much as you need him tonight. It's time."

As their spirits linked, Lanecea's vision shifted. She saw her brother-in-law, Gavin, standing beside her on a bridge that connected two forts. On her side, a majestic fort with the French flag waved proudly amid a fierce thunderstorm. On Gavin's side, the British fort stood with the Union Jack flying defiantly. Gavin's eyes, filled with devotion, never left hers.

Governor LeBlanc kissed her cheek, whispering, "I always knew that you were born for such a time as this."

Elderon's hold on her hips tightened, making Lanecea feel as though she were free-falling, even as she felt his fingers digging into her skin. The vision shifted again. She and Gavin, now wearing Druidic robes, stood together. Gavin's kiss was passionate and full of yearning as Lanecea was crowned. In his eyes, she saw a druid whose features shifted into a white wolf with blue eyes, identical to her familiars.

Lanecea gazed out at the river below, channelling its energy and that of the surrounding oak trees while drawing on Elderon's power. Lightning struck in rhythmic succession, illuminating the room repeatedly as Lanecea lost track of time and space, with Elderon anchoring her to the present.

"Come to me," Lanecea whispered, though the storm drowned out her summons.

She was barely aware of James and Mollie chanting in perfect harmony or of Elderon's muscles flexing as he held her closer, feeling the electricity flow from her body into his. She drew on his strength and endurance, bending time and destiny to her will.

"He heard my summons," Lanecea whispered in disbelief as she watched Gavin step into the hotel.

"I never doubted your abilities," Elderon tenderly kissed Lanecea's forehead before turning to his companions. "Gavin is not ready to know the truth. Have his room prepared. He won't be returning home."

Lanecea didn't have time to question Elderon as the door opened. Kavan winked at Lani before stepping aside, moments before Gavin entered the room, his eyes widening in shock at the sight of her.

"Oh, Lani..." Gavin whispered as he closed the distance between them. "I've found you."

It was adorable of him to think that, but Lanecea didn't correct him. He'd heard the siren's call. Lanecea's eyes searched his soul before she smiled, "I'm glad you found me, Gavin. Your timing couldn't be better."

Mollie's hand fluttered to her lips as she attempted to muffle her laughter at the irony of Lanecea's words.

Lanecea smiled at Mollie before turning her full attention back to Gavin. Tenderly, she caressed his five-o'clock shadow.

"You look so lost and exhausted. Everything will be alright now. You've come home."


Gavin looked like a lost lamb that had finally found his way back to his pen as he reclined on the couch with his head on Lanecea's lap. Or perhaps more like a handsome fly that had dreamed of being caught in Lanecea's silken web for years. Lanecea stroked his hair with one hand while feeding him finger foods with the other, not pulling her hand away as he slowly licked and sucked her fingers, his eyes darkening with desire.

The storm continued to rage outside, but Gavin looked as at peace as the Biblical Samson lying in Delilah's lap. A muscle clenched in Rowan's jaw as he watched Lanecea's neglected body react to the sensation of Gavin's breath teasing her moonlight-pale skin. It wasn't entirely true that she was neglected, but she was so deeply in love with Storm that she failed to see the devotion and longing in the eyes of those who surrounded her.

James broke the spell as he stepped toward the couple with a thick stack of folded money.

"Send this to your wife. It will appease her. From this moment, you work for Lanecea. You have one purpose, and that is to please her. It is a privilege to make her happy, and you will not ask questions. Will that be a problem?"

"It's only ever been Lani, and my wife knows it. You don't need to pay me to please her. I'm well aware that this is the opportunity of a lifetime."

"You might regret it," Lanecea laughed, trailing her fingernails on his forearm, giving him goosebumps. "It pleases me that you are still devoted even after all these years."

"Sarah, unfortunately, has become more like her mother with each passing day, but Joshua and Isabella still adore you, as do I."

"That makes me so happy. I'm sure Sarah will come around too. She just needs to be with me more. Now, are you ready to begin pleasing me?"

Gavin couldn't find words, so instead, he moaned.

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