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Lanecea stood at the balcony of her meticulously crafted hotel, gazing out at the serene waters of the Cataraqui River

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Lanecea stood at the balcony of her meticulously crafted hotel, gazing out at the serene waters of the Cataraqui River. The evening sun cast a golden hue over the landscape, adding a touch of magic to the already enchanting scene. Her hotel, a gift from Storm, stood proudly across the river, a testament to their shared dreams and passions.

Storm, her devoted partner and confidant, understood Lanecea in ways few others could. He had built this haven for her, embracing her love for history, heraldry, and genealogy. Lanecea's eugenics project, aimed at preserving bloodlines, was not just a passion but a mission close to her heart. Storm supported her endeavours wholeheartedly, recognizing the importance of her work and the depth of her connection to the past.

As Lanecea surveyed the grounds of her hotel, she couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment. Every detail, from the architecture to the interior décor, was a reflection of her passion for blending the past with the present. The meticulous accuracy in historical accuracy was a point of pride for Lanecea, ensuring that every visitor from the past experienced a seamless transition, unaware of the temporal shift.

Their children, dressed in period clothing, added to the authenticity of the experience. Lanecea had created a world within a world, a sanctuary where time itself seemed to bend to her will. Storm's children with Herja, Thorson, and Revna, often visited and affectionately called Lanecea "Mamma," their bond transcending bloodlines and blending their families seamlessly.

It was during these moments, surrounded by her loved ones and immersed in history, that Lanecea felt most secure in her relationship with Storm. His presence, both physically and emotionally, anchored her in a way that nothing else could. When they travelled to the past together, Lanecea knew that Storm was fully hers, sharing in her passion and commitment to preserving the legacy of their ancestors.

Storm's ancestral connection to a shaman added another layer of understanding between them. He grasped the depth of Lanecea's abilities, including her gift of time travel, in ways that her immediate family could not comprehend. Their shared adventures through time became a testament to their bond, a journey of discovery and connection that strengthened their love and trust in each other.

As the evening descended into night, Lanecea felt a deep gratitude for Storm and the life they had built together. Her vision had become a reality, thanks to his unwavering support and dedication. The echoes of their love resonated across time, weaving a tapestry of memories and moments that would endure beyond the boundaries of time itself.

In the quiet embrace of the night, Lanecea whispered a silent thank you to Storm, her words carrying a promise of eternal devotion and a shared journey through the ages. Together, they stood as guardians of history, bridging the past with the present and shaping the future with each step they took.


Lanecea sat at her desk in the quiet of the morning, the sun casting a warm glow through the window of her office. The previous night's worries seemed to dissipate as she put pen to paper, composing a letter to her ancestors, Leonard and Marguerite LeBlanc.

With a steady hand and a heart full of hope, Lanecea poured her thoughts onto the page, expressing her longing for their presence and the upcoming events that awaited at Timeless Haven Hotel. The grand opening of Fort Cataraqui loomed on the horizon, a momentous occasion that carried with it a sense of anticipation and significance.

Thanking Storm as he slipped her letter into his pocket before stepping out the back door, Lanecea was filled with hope. Smiling Lanecea turned her attention to the bustling activities within the hotel, her heart filled with optimism for the days ahead.

The late afternoon sun cast a golden hue over Timeless Haven Hotel, painting the surroundings in warm, inviting tones. As the clock struck 4 pm, Lanecea stood near the entrance, anticipation shimmering in her eyes. She waited eagerly for the arrival of her ancestors, Leonard and Marguerite LeBlanc, knowing that their presence would bring a sense of familiarity and comfort before they journeyed together to the new fort.

A gentle breeze rustled through the leaves of the ancient oak trees that framed the hotel, their branches swaying in a rhythmic dance. The air carried a faint scent of wildflowers and earth, adding to the natural ambiance of the place. Lanecea couldn't help but smile as she glanced at the oak grove, a place that held deep significance and mysterious allure.

Moments later, the tranquil scene was interrupted by the emergence of figures from within the oak grove. Leonard, still youthful at 47 with a touch of silver in his hair, walked beside Marguerite, her vibrant presence at 46 years old exuding grace and wisdom beyond her years.

Accompanying them was Storm, Lanecea's steadfast companion and protector. His presence added a sense of strength and assurance to the gathering, his gaze warm as he greeted Lanecea with a nod.

As Leonard and Marguerite approached, Lanecea's heart swelled with gratitude and joy. She welcomed them with open arms, embracing them in a heartfelt reunion. The hotel seemed to come alive with their presence as if the very essence of history and heritage had stepped into the present moment.

Together, they entered the hotel, the air tinged with excitement and anticipation for the days ahead. Lanecea felt a deep sense of connection and purpose as she led her ancestors to their accommodations, ready to embark on a journey that would intertwine the past, present, and future in a tapestry of timeless memories.

As Lanecea led Leonard and Marguerite toward their chambers, a sense of joy and gratitude filled her heart. The evening sun cast a warm glow over the hallway, illuminating the intricate tapestries adorning the walls. The gentle sound of their footsteps echoed softly, adding to the serene atmosphere.

Leonard, still attired in the garb of 1673, wore a linen shirt and breeches, the fabric slightly worn but well-maintained, and a dark cloak draped over his shoulders. His weathered boots showed signs of travel, hinting at a journey across time rather than distance.

Marguerite, similarly dressed in the fashion of the 17th century, wore a long skirt with layers of petticoats, a bodice adorned with delicate lace, and a shawl draped elegantly around her shoulders. Her hair was styled in a simple yet graceful manner, adorned with a few small flowers.

As they approached their chambers, Lia, Lanecea's daughter, emerged from the room, a bouquet of freshly arranged wildflowers in her hands. She smiled as she greeted her relatives before passing Marguerite the flowers in her hands.

The hotel's interior was adorned with intricate tapestries depicting scenes from New France, while the furnishings and decor reflected the charm of the 17th century.

Lanecea and her family, along with their servants, were dressed in period-appropriate attire, seamlessly blending into the historical ambiance of the hotel. Lanecea's gown was a rich burgundy color, with delicate lace detailing and a full skirt that swayed gracefully as she moved. Her hair was styled in an elegant updo, adorned with a few subtle ribbons and pearls.

Beside her, Lia looked like a young lady from a bygone era, her dress in soft pastel hues with puffed sleeves and a lace collar. Her hair was styled with a few small flowers tucked behind her ear, adding a touch of freshness to her ensemble.

The servants bustled about, their attire reflecting their roles in the household. The chambermaids wore simple yet neat dresses with aprons, completing the picture of a bustling New France household.

Leonard observed the scene, his eyes taking in the intricate details of the hotel. Governor LeBlanc's descriptions hadn't been exaggerated, particularly regarding their noblewoman relative, Lanecea LeBlanc, who had arrived in New France under the alias, Èlise de Montaubann. Governor LeBlanc doted on Lanecea and often mentioned her in his lengthy letters.

Leonard couldn't help but smile at the sight of Lanecea's servants who were clearly devoted to their mistress as was Strom. He expected nothing less, knowing that the LeBlanc bloodline running through her veins made her a force to be reckoned with, capable of bridging divides and forging alliances.

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