The Nymph: 30

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Gallaleigha POV:

Daisies. Sunflowers. Lily of the valley.

I trace my fingers across Brock's bare chest as it rises and falls in the imprints of my favorite flowers, each stem a stroke along the lines of his muscle. His fingers tighten their grip on my body in his sleep, like he knows this will be the only thing he wants to know for the rest of our lifetimes.

Today we will voyage. And scavenge, and travel, and search; for a place we can call a home of our own. I know that eventually, I shall make my way back to my sector, but until then we have days, months, years of our lives together that I will not stand to lose.

"Mmm... What are you thinking, Galla?"

I brush my smiling lips to the temple of the drowsy man's forehead, and chuckle.

"Only that we have the rest of our lives to spend like this. And that we cannot afford to waste any of it." My fingers sweep the hair out of his eyes, finding the kind eyes of my commander staring up at me.

"Mm. I could not agree more, my darling." He snuggles his head into the crevasse between my stomach and my chest, sighing contently.


"Village of Brimford, population is... five dozen people." I squint at the scraggly carved letters in the wooden sign.

"Sounds like quite the lovely place to stay a night." Brock nods, jostling the luggage higher up on his back.

I peer into the wooded thicket we have come across, and frown.

"It does not appear as though there are any inhabitants nearby..." I scrutinize as the general moves into the swallow of trees.

We come across a small village, and a man approaches us at the gate.

"You kids new around here?" He says, old skin sagging like worn out leather.

"Yes sir. We are searching for a place to stay the evening." I tell him, and he chuckles.

"Y'all fancy folk need to really lose the damn accents. Hoity toity." He mutters with a chuckle before grinning with his crooked teeth. "I have an opening at one of my houses. Rent it for as long as you want; two hundred Genites a week."

"Truly?" Brock exclaims as the man nods. "Wow, thank you sir."

The man leads us down the lovely cobblestone pathways through the village, introducing us to people as we pass through. I am already amazed at just how friendly they all are, and my head is still spinning quite a bit from the exchanged introductions when we approach a large house. There are climbing vines all across the beige stone of the house, lovely blue stained glass windows, granite steps up to a wooden porch, and blue flowers garnishing every inch of the property. Brock and I exchange a look, and I grip his hand excitedly at this new scenery.

"We shall take it." Brock nods to the man, and as the exchange of Genites is done, he leaves us to settle in.

"I do not think I can enter." I grip his arm to stabilize myself from the speed at which our plans are progressing as we stare at the temporary home. "Absolutely surreal..."

"Indeed..." Brock remains in shock for a moment as well, but quickly grins down at me before crushing a hard kiss to my mouth.

I eagerly accept it, enjoying the taste to savor it for years to come. Our first home. Our first kiss in front of our home. Our first time in a new setting, with only the two of us who know each other, and the rest we can invent on the way.

He scoops me up as I squeal, and carries me  through the gate and into the house.

"Ours, darling..." He murmurs on my lips as we survey the sun drenched living room. "I'm yours, you're mine, and this new house, this new life, is all ours."


"Darling..." Brock drawls, fingers raking through his thick locks. "Come on, we do not have all day."

"Of course we do!" I exclaim, attempting to hasten the fastening of my dress buttons. "We only arrived hours ago! It should not be too inconceivable that I need at least twenty minutes in order to assure my looks are well."

Brock chuckles, coming over to kneel before me, buttoning the dress for me whilst pressing light kisses to each patch of skin the next button will hide.

"Your looks are always well, Galla. No need to assure anything in that regard." He finishes, trailing a finger down my leg as he remains still.

"I know that you believe so," I giggle. "But I like to look nice, and we are going into the village for the first time! First impressions are the most important time you shall ever greet someone, Brock."

"And as sure as I am about that, we may also save first impressions for tomorrow..." He rises, looming in close with his lips just hovering around mine. "I saw a beautiful double bed upstairs, and I think the bed posts are just perfectly wide enough for you to ho-"

"Enough! We are leaving!" I push him away, storming down the staircase from the vanity red faced to leaving the man chuckling upstairs.

"Alright, alright. Let us take our leave, then." He follows whilst attempting to pull on a sock.

I remain silently blushing, and he glances up at me with that raised eyebrow expression that relentlessly makes me swoon every time.

Every. Single. Time.

"Are you ready?" He glances over my outfit in nothing less than starvation, and I nod, ushering us out of the house before he can make me remain for his benefits.

Because gods know I would stay if he just gave me that look.

I am so close to being absolutely and utterly-

"By the way..." He murmurs under his breath in my ear while passing by me through the door. "I love you"

Definitely head over heels.

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