The General: 23

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Brock Cortes POV:

"Why do you do this?" Galla frowns at my concealed fingers. "Why must you hide them away?"

"They are repulsive; my apologies, I must have caught a chill after coming indoors." I feel myself ruddy, and she sighs from beside me.

"Oh, Brock, but they are not repulsive. They are a part of you, and therefore, mine. Do not call these fingers of mine repulsive." She takes them in her palms, kissing them each softly with her eyes still rimmed red. "... Do you not you want a response to your confession?"

I feel the fire disseminate in my cheeks at her comments on my fingers.

"No, I do not want to coerce you into proclaiming anything. I would like for you to express your thoughts of your own free will."

She continues to plant soft kisses on my fingers, until she works her way up to my ears, nipping on them faintly before dragging her lenient hand down the side of my gritty jaw.

"Brock, my general, my lovely, marvelous commander." She gives me the most doting, starry eyed smile I have ever been alive to see. "I will admit, I was hesitant approaching a new friendship after how my prior relationship had proven itself. But after thawing the exterior you think is tough- it really is not-, I finally reached this beautiful heart you own, and I am proud to call it mine as much as it is yours. I cannot help but wait by my draperies affront my windows the day each week you return. I love you. I have fallen, but this time I am not scared. Because I have fallen in love, and this time I am inevitably certain you will catch me as those before you have failed to do. I love you, oh Brock, I love you wholly and entirely, you are mine, and I will not let you go. I love you and I find I cannot let you go."

Galla cuddles closer to my body, and I cocoon her to it with pleasure. Nothing in the entire universe, not even the divines above, can disrupt this tranquility we have discovered in each others embrace. She pulls the soft quilt over us, and nuzzles into my stripped chest as I pursue to stroke her pretty little head. I kiss the top of it gently, illustrating circles and hearts and shapes into the silky delicate skin of her back.

"I do not want you to leave." Galla whispers, and I am almost positive it was not meant for me to hear.

"Then another day here cannot do much harm." I reply, kissing her cheeks as she glances up at me.

"You do not have- I was being merely selfish-"

"Do not make me utter the facts that it was not for you." I chuckle, and her blush brightens like ample apple trees in the summer climate.


"Yes, Galla?"

"What is to happen with the war?" She asks weakly, voice hoarse.

My gut churns at this thought of having to leave the idyllic ecstasy I have stumbled upon.

"I am uncertain at this point in time. But as soon as I know, I shall communicate to you in the possible way." I attempt to dispel her fears.

"You won't let my sector be demolished?"

"My life will be on the line before any of my men shoots a bullet on your sectors, I can assure you of this much." I nod, fondling her long hair.

"Y-your life?"

"Well, surely although you say you love me, you must love this sector more." I shrug, assuming it was clear and evident.

"I love you equally." Galla determines, lower lip jutting out to make my heart palpitate. "I do not want to lose either of these beautiful things I have been gifted with. It is too much."

"Do not worry. I cannot declare that all will go well and no destruction will be caused in certainty, but I will promise with my entire being I will move heaven and earth to protect you." I kiss those plump lips of hers, tugging on the lower with my canines as she elicits a breathy whimper. "I love you."

"I love you." Galla parrots, repeating these words back to me as she presses her lips further against mine. "It is a wonderful thing to love, but even more wonderful for it to be reciprocated."

"You speak the truth, my darling."


"I thought you were not to leave until tomorrow..." Galla whines in my chest as I envelope her there, kissing her head repeatedly.

We stand by the shore, morning sun gleaming upon us with it's radiant rays of joy. My heart aches when I realize I will have to leave this woman, but I must return to my role as general. The king is going to be offended by my defiance of his authority, no doubt, but I cannot bring myself to care.

"I stayed a day extra than I received permission for, darling. I must take my leave." I chuckle as she grips me tighter.


"What?" She whimpers.

"I love you." I stroke her head gently.

She backs up a step, finally releasing me with a sigh.

"I love you as well." She grumbles, long hair falling in front of the tears that well in her eyes.

"There she is. My darling." I kiss the droplets from her plush cheeks, pecking her lips once more before nodding. "I will see you in a weeks time."

"Alright. I love you, commander."

"I love you too, darling. I will be back, do not fret."

Ever since we had started, we have been repeating these words back to each other most affectionately, and it really would be quite sappily disturbing if I cared at all.


"I refuse."

"Does my voice have a say in this at all?" Kacieanne snaps at us.

When I returned, I had stopped by the palace to explain that there was a thunderstorm and the waves were much too choppy for me to get home safely. This displeased the king, as he knew something was in the air involving myself and a fair haired nymph.

"Daughter, I respect your wishes, but this is for the best. Do you understand what kind of power General Cortes could hold over this kingdom if he were to wed you?"

"Which I will be refusing the offer, thank you greatly." I scowl at the old bat.

"I did not give you a choice, general. This is solely between my daughter and I. There is no room for whatever quean you have taken an interest to." The king snaps, and I scowl at the mess he has brought upon me.

"She is no quean." I grunt, trying to stay civil in the presence of his majesty. "She is a beautiful, sacred guardian of one of the nymph ruled sectors, and I am no one's man but hers."

The two crowned heads swivel to me, and my features remain unfazed as the father and daughter inspect me with baffled, affronted sneers.

Each for different reasons.

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