The Nymph: 18

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Gallaleigha POV:

I do not see Brock off. I do not embrace him a last time. I do not beg him to stay, bend the rules for me.

I am not worth that, and Brock genuinely has a life. People who depend on him, an entire dynasty to preserve and defend.

But truth be told, I find myself dismayed to a point where I am not certain he will come back for me anymore. I do not hold that against his character, but moreover, it is what I would do. I am in love with him, but I do not hold knowledge as to what he sees in me. Does he see surface beauty, attraction? Or is it something deeper, the something that no words can explain but love?

I have known him for all of three weeks, I suppose. He is to come back today, if candid with his words.

I deplore the idea of doing anything for anyone, out of self respect, but I cannot help but doll up for Brock. I desire to be the cause of those expressions on his face when he sees me only for his eyes. So, I pull on a lacy green one piece that is just like the black dress with little flowers, except this one is a satin material with ivory linings. I let my hair down, stopping myself before I get carried away in attempting to please him.

No matter how nice I am, I always love myself first.

Although I do not think Brock abides by the same rule.


I whip around from picking berries by my cabin, and all of the fear and stress blow right over me. Brock. My kind, soft, mushy Brock.

"You have returned!" I proclaim, vaulting into his outstretched arms.

Brock smells like the scent he has left everywhere; in my bed, by the table, on my clothes. But nothing compares to it enveloping me when he clings onto my skin, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.

"I overlooked how badly I need you..." He murmurs in my ear. "I was to write to you until I realized that I was not sure where to address the envelopes to."

"It is all right. I was not expecting them anyways." Although I had not been sure how he would get them to me either, I must admit I caught myself staring out the window in hope every so often.

He holds me a moment longer before releasing me, and I glance shyly up into his eyes.

"You look stunning." Brock rubs the small of my back.

"Thank you..." I nod, tucking hair behind my ear.

Goodness if it does not feel right with him beside me again.

I have to keep away, but my heart cannot seem to get close enough.


Brock has been out, scouting the grounds for some time now.

I feel like a housewife, cooking dinner and cleaning the cabin for when he gets home. When I hear a grumble outside I know to expect him back.

"Commander." I look up from brewing the stew. "Welcome home."

"Apologies for my absence." Brock shakes his head, rubbing my shoulder. "How are you?"

I hum in response, and his eyebrows slant down.

"Whatever troubles your pretty face?" He asks, taking a seat at the table.

"Just quite fatigued. I may fall asleep quicker than usual tonight." I sniff the rich scent of my stew, nodding in pleasure before cutting a loaf of bread.

"Oh-Alright, then, darling." Brock replies, rolling his neck. "I should put up the tent before it gets too dark. Could be tough in the night cold."

"That is right, I had an idea to bring up with you." I smile up at him, putting the knife down. "I had a thought I wanted to run by you, to see if maybe you could help me."

"Oh? And what would that be?" He nods, intrigued.

"I want to extend my home. Build a whole surplus addition on this side of the cabin." I wave my hand to the east wall. "I should have to knock it down first, but I was wondering if you might be able to assist me with the task."

"I am quite busy with scouting and arranging plans..." He starts, but after watching my face fall he adds to the sentiment. "But I will do whatever I can to make you happy. I should be able to have it done by this autumn."

"Oh, thank you!" I promulgate. "Dinner is ready. Afterwards I will help with your camp for the evening."

"You do not have to-" Brock groans when he smells the aroma wafting from my stew and bread as I set two plates down on the table.

"I suppose that is a good sign." I giggle, pouring teacups of chamomile.

"A very, very good sign." He brings my knuckles to his lips, pressing a soft peck before taking his bread. "May I?"

"Be my guest." I watch as he chows down, devouring every last bite of the meal. 

"Oh..." He moans, rubbing his impeccably flat stomach. "Delicious. Absolutely delectable. Thank you so much, Galla."

"It was my pleasure." I nod, finishing my own meal. "Are you prepared to go out and set up your tent?"

"I assure you I can-"

"Much too late, Brock, just come along or let me do it." I gently laugh, heading towards the door with my cloak.

"Alright, I am coming." He catches up with me, patting my head as I breeze past and through the door.

We finish assembling the tent in precisely twenty minutes; just enough time for dusk to fall over the kingdom and make a hazy sky of blue and lavender over the ocean.

Implicitly, I pad over to through the clearing of the forest to the shore, planting my bottom on the warm sand. Quizzically, I feel Brock come over too, and sigh in pleasure when he sits behind me. 

His strong legs scooting to my sides, I find my rear end enclosed between his lower limbs. He does not attempt anything, just sits like this, allowing myself control over the situation. And damn if he has not implied anything about it. But I cannot. Possibly? Just today, I determine, and allow myself to recline back onto his torso. Seeming to read that as a sign of approval, he hoists me by the core to place gingerly on his promptly folded legs.

I suspire quietly, watching the waves crash to the shore and nip the tips of our toes, his big hands tracing faint circles across my stomach. How long do we have like this? When does it end? How much longer do I get to be accompanied by this gentleman every being seems to determine a monster? He truly has the kindest heart of anyone I have ever met, and it's a shame no one knows it like me.

Selfishly enough, I am also glad of that fact.

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