For Noah..

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Noah locked his room from inside, so nobody could distribute him..
Sitting on the corner of his bed, holding the yellow page with the words, For Noah..
Noah's hands were shaking.. he wanted to open the letter and read Angela's last words..
The letter was old and the paper was turning yellow..
His First thoughts were,
Why did She specifically wrote a letter for him..

Then he unfolded the letter.. with lots of words.. from his sweet, loving Angela.

Neat handwriting, with visible words.. but the ink at some place it was like.. wiped off..

Hey! How are you?,
I hope fine..
Well, I am not sure when will you be reading this letter.. maybe by that time I am already dead..
But I miss you..
I miss you my love.. I miss you and your mother..
I didn't tell her this.. but
I loved her. Still do, I love you too,
she was everything. You are everything for me..
Please forgive your father..
Just so you know,
Your father tried everything to keep you safe, to protect you.. this step that I have taken is for your good only..
Stay safe..take care of yourself...
Please forgive you dada..

For my love..

Noah's hands felt numb, it felt to him as an immense shock..
The letter did contain last words..but not Angela's, his father's..

Noah's dad's last words.. to whom he never met, never got the chance to meet. Neither did he get to know the name..
One thing that Noah knew after reading the letteris that his father had a lot of regrets.
Asking for forgiveness to him.. for leaving him? And to his mother for what?..

Another mystery opened to him..
If Angela had this letter, why didn't she gave it to him?
Like she did with Maya, she had her mother's bracelet..
Why not his letter?

Noah slapped his forehead, it was getting hard for him to look at Angela they way he used to look..

How many more secrets she is still hiding?


The training room was empty when Noah entered.. since Kevin and hafsa went somewhere, he decided to practice alone..

He had learned some combat skills from hafsa however he was still weak at using his magic..

He wanted to build the confidence and trust inside..
If he can't even handle the magic energy then how is he gonna fight the enemies?

He started with meditation, hafsa told him it helps, with controlling the energy, keeping the thoughts together..

Noah sat on the floor of empty training room..
Letting the darkness take over..
Letting the thoughts go away..

The energy, he could feel it.. flowing through him.. but..
There is something else too..
Trying to jam it, the black smoke..

Noah opened his eyes.. meeting the light.

The energy is flowing but the smoke is getting in the way..

That was one thing that Noah never gave thoughts to.. even though it was not a common thing..

The monster.

How did the monster get inside of him?
And what does he want?, why his crystal?

Now there was a sudden urge to talk to the monster..

He started mentally preparing himself to meet the monster.

He did what was needed to be done inorder to meet..

The pitch black room again, with voice echoing around..

This time Noah didn't call the monster,
He just stayed standing waiting for the monster..

Why are you hear now?
The voice said,
He sounded calm and collected this shouting and telling Noah to get out..

I wanted to talk,I want to know..
Noah waited for the reply..

The monster said.

Who are you?

The monster saw a glimpse of Diana, Noah standing there waiting for an answer.. it wasn't disgust on his face.. he was confused..

Diana however has some idea why was he inside of her, but for noah.. poor Noah..

The monster said nothing for a while,
Noah thought he didn't want to answer him..

Lossing the only hope he had, he was about to turn and walk away.. when suddenly..

The black smoke started appearing..
The growling voice,

What do you want to know?
The monster asked..

Noah nod.
This time there was no fear, no hesitation, it was just him and the monster.

e sat on the ground..

So what are you?, I mean what kind of monster?
Noah asked.

I am a demon, boy.
Oscur said.

What?, then how come you are inside of me?, you were inside of me the whole time? Like since my birth?
There were many questions.. regarding the past..

No, I wasn't inside of you since your birth, I don't even know you.. well, I got to know you a little.
The monster said.

Then how did you end up here,
Noah asked..

It's oscur.
He said.

What is Oscur?
Noah said, looking around..

My name, Dumb boy.
Oscur gritted his teeth.

Oh, so can I call you oscur.
Noah asked,

No, so where were we?
He asked.
A little disappointment on Noah's face.

There are lots of mysteries. Do you know diana?
Oscur asked.

No, well she is a princess right?
Noah asked..

So, your memories are wiped, I see.
Oscur said, and sigh..

Looks like we have a lot to cover then..
He slammed his huge body to the ground infront of Noah..

What memories?
Now oscur is confusing Noah..

There was sudden change in atmosphere, it was like more calm and focusing..
Oscur gave him a dead serious face,
This is going to take a while now. Be prepared. Noah.

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