Into the dark

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When Noah closes his eyes, he sees a black room, nothing around except the dark..
Noah was inside his own core..

As per Kevin. Noah needs to find a light, and follow it, according to him that's his crystal..

Where could it be?
Noah thought..

He tries to look around, staying in the same place, turning his head around..

A light... A light... Where is it?

Looking for this?
A voice..

Noah had his back to the person behind..
It wasn't Kevin.

The voice gets deep with the next words..
You are here for this..
Eerie voice, with weird breathing..

Noah felt scared, alone..
He always lacked in courage , but he never had this feeling..
The feeling of something which he cannot define.

The voice said.

Turn and face me.
The voice said again.

Noah had enough.. he slowly and calmly turned.. to see..

To see the horrific image of a creature, this creature was nothing like he had heard about before or seen in images..

His eyes widened with fear, true fear.. of dying..

The thing had no body, but the shape of,
Dark and black, huge upper body, two horns looking sharp as knives, no eyes but a white circle.. no pupils..

Besides that thing, there was a floating piece of rock, white light emerging from it.
It was like the thing is holding it, but with only the smoke of its body..

"Who.. are you?", Noah realised the fear in his voice.. it sounded shaky.

It does not matter... Who I am..
The thing refuses to tell.

What does matter is.. this thing right here.. now it belongs to me..
It said.

"Is it my.." Noah assumed it to be the thing he came looking for.

You are right, it is the crystal... Your crystal..
It said.

"Then why do you want it?" Noah asked.
But that was not the most important question..

"How did you get in here? Isn't it supposed to be my-" before he could finish the thing said.

This place is inside you.. where your soul lives...

"Then how did you get in here?" He asked.

I don't live here.. I came here just the way you came...  But I do live inside of you..
It said.

"You are not making sense." He said, it was true.

How can it be possible for a weird and horrific creature to be living inside of Noah and he never noticed-

It then clicked Noah, he had already met the thing.. in Kevin's room, a black thing in the corner..

I see you remembered our little meeting?, that's good then.

"Listen explain yourself first. How long have you been inside of me? And how did you get in here?", now that was some real questions.

I don't think you need to know the reason.. just know that this crystal of yours now belongs to me..

The crystal started turning into black, the light within, it got dim.. it's the thing is absorbing it..

See, it has my powers.. the thing glances at the crystal and then at Noah.
now get out of here and leave me alone,before I harm you the worst way possible..

Noah had two choices, he could either listen to the thing and leave, another is to stay and ask why the thing needed it..

He was way more afraid now, the thing had his crystal.. which he needed really, but he could just leave and never come back He can save his life by doing that, and it was the easiest way-

"You never had any crystal.. you were born without it.."
"Noah will not be joining you at the school.. "
"Noah is different.."
"You'll have to die... Please, we need to survive.."

The words echo in his head..
Noah had been hating himself all his life, his life.. his mother lied to him, he got betrayed..
He was different, all the eyes he could never forget.. Angela used to cover the windows, because kids from neighbours used to peek inside the house. The eyes always killed Noah.
To see the different kid.

And when he got the chance to change all that... he is running from it,

Running away is never the solution and it never will be..

"I won't." ,He said to the thing,
The thing just looks in his direction.. with its, empty eyes..

"That's my crystal and I will take it back. You can't stop me." He said.

It laughs Balefully.. it was crazy seeing the most heinous smile in his life... naoh made sure not to break the eye contact..

That's funny kid...
The laugh stopped, filling the place with complete silence..

Listen to me you brat.. you are entrusted with me and my powers.. i have a mission to fulfill.. so stay back..
The creature raises its voice.

"I have been lied to about it my whole life.. and I am planning to get it back now.", Noah says almost shouting,

You are really ungrateful you know.. anyways I am not planning on stepping back, try and get it, brat. The thing said,

Noah stand persistent and so is the creature..
Both stay in their positions a bit longer, and then..

Enough, I don't have all day here, before you try anything , you filthy human, I  will get rid of you..never ever think of coming back...
The thing, absorbs the crystal totally and makes it vanish from Noah's eyes..

The black smoke started coming out of its body, the pressure around Noah gets serious
The thing, expand its size, then it presses both its palms in front, shapping a black liquide into an arrow, astonishingly it turned sharp and shiny,
Without wasting any time he throws the arrow at Noah,

The sharp thing is now approaching Noah, he felt the pain before it could hit him, he wanted to get away, but something was holding him, not letting him go...
The arrow was infront of him now... Around his eyes, it was amazingly sharp enough to easily break his skull into pieces..
Noah closes his eyes...

A strong wind pushed him back knocking him onto the ground

"NOAH!!", A familiar voice said, the panic was real..

"Wake up! Look at me!! ", he stared shacking Noah's shoulder..

Noah opens his eyes to the bright sun light above him.. the sky was bright and blue with white clouds, everything was still a little blur,

But the face in front, he knew exactly who that is ...

Kevin sat besides Noah, who was on the ground..

Noah found himself panting, out of breath..
The scenes were still in front of him, the black creature, its arrow, how he almost died.

"You got me there.", Kevin said, he was relieved know Noah is still alive..
"Let's end it here.,"

Noah nod.
They both stay there in silence..
"I need to tell you.." Noah said.
Kevin looked at him..

"Let's go to Alex." Noah says..

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