Anant gets to know about Anokhi

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Hearing her crying sound, Vikram said, "Princess, he cannot bear to see you crying, that is why he did not tell you, so please control yourself. I do not know what is going on in my friend's heart, but yes, I know that you are very important for him. He made a mistake but he punished himself for that mistake."

Just then Anokhi from the other side disconnected the call. Vikram looked at his phone and took a deep breath. On the other side, Anokhi was just crying and remembering those moments when Rishabh tortured her. Then she remembered the moments of the last few days with Rishabh.

"Why did you do this?" saying this, she picked up her phone and called Rishabh but Rishabh disconnected her call. Then she pressed the button to call the nurse. When the nurse came to her room, she got scared seeing Anokhi crying like this. Before she could ask him anything, Anokhi said, "You go to Rishabh ji and tell him to come and meet me right now or else I will get off the bed and start walking and hurt myself."

" Ok ok maam I will call sir, but please don't get off the bed.", the nurse said in a hurry and came out of the room and went straight towards Rishabh's room. She knocked on the door of Rishabh's room. In a few moments Rishabh opened the door and the nurse quickly told him everything.

On hearing the nurse, Rishabh immediately ran towards Anokhi's room. Rishabh came to Anokhi's room and saw Anokhi, by now Anokhi had made her face red by crying. Her face was completely wet with tears and she was just crying.

On seeing her in such a distraught state, Rishabh got scared. When he came near Anokhi, Anokhi put both her hands on Rishabh's chest and pushed him away and shouted, "Why did you do this, why did you do this?"

"Cupcake what happened and what are you talking about? " , Rishabh came to her again and asked her. Anokhi caught Rishabh's collar and looking into his eyes said angrily, " I talked to Bhaiya, he told me everything. Told me everything about what you did. Why did you do this Rishabh ji? Why did you hurt yourself so much? All those marks on your back, why did you give yourself so much pain Rishabh ji? Rishabh ji, I admit you did trouble me but after that you never troubled me again. You took care of my smallest things, you keep me happy, you even got me treated, then why did you do this Rishabh ji? I know how much pain it causes when someone hurts you. I was hit with a belt only once and its mark is still on my back and whenever I think about that night, I still feel pain and you hurt yourself for so many days, why?"

" Because I hurt you. I have hurt you a lot Cupcake and this is nothing compared to that. If Vikram had not made me swear on Mom, I would have always hurt myself like this even today.", Rishabh told her.

" But Rishabh ji, I have forgiven you, I have forgiven you for all your mistakes, then why are you doing this? ", Anokhi said while crying. Then Rishabh held her face in both his hands and looking into her eyes said, " You can forgive me for every mistake Cupcake, but will you be able to forgive me for the way I behaved with you that night in intoxication and hatred?"

When Rishabh asked this, Anokhi became completely silent. She was not able to find an answer. She lowered her eyes. Rishabh joined her forehead with his and said, " What about you Cupcake, no girl will forgive anyone for this. I had become an animal that night, an animal. Whenever I think about it, I get so angry at myself that I feel like killing myself. "

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