Alok in danger

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When Rishabh freed his hand from hers, Anokhi held his hands again and said, “Okay, but at least wait till I fall asleep.”

Rishabh looked into her eyes. She was requesting. Forced by her habit. It had become her habit to feel Rishabh’s fingers in her hair while sleeping. She could not sleep without Rishabh. Everyone thought that Rishabh and Anokhi lived in separate rooms, but the truth was that every night Rishabh slept in Anokhi’s room and left the room before everyone woke up.

Rishabh smiled and sat beside her. Anokhi also put her head in his lap and Rishabh slowly started caressing her hair. As always, Anokhi smiled on feeling his fingers and she closed her eyes smiling.

After some time, she went into the embrace of sleep.  When Rishabh feel her slow breathing, he bent down and saw that Anokhi was asleep. Rishabh gently placed her head on the pillow. Anokhi got irritated in her sleep and made a face.

Rishabh smiled at her and shook his head and bent down to touch her cheeks with his lips, and Anokhi smiled.

Then Rishabh kissed her forehead and said, “You are not used to me, Cupcake, you are becoming my habit. I get a peaceful sleep only after looking at your peacefully sleeping face.”

After looking at her sleeping face for some time, Rishabh went and lay down on the sofa and he also fell asleep just looking at Anokhi.

Here both Rishabh and Anokhi were sleeping peacefully but somewhere else someone else was not able to sleep. Not just sleep, even his senses were gone and that was Alok.

Alok was sitting on his knees in an injured state. There was a little blood coming out of his head. Blood was flowing from the edges of his lips. His hands were tied behind his back. There were injuries on his body too and Anant Sethi was sitting on a chair in front of him.

“What did you think that you will play games behind my back, you will plan to destroy me and I will not come to know. Alok Shergill, I am still the same Anand Sethi who forced you to leave your wife and children and come to me, work with me.” Saying this, Anand Sethi held Alok’s hair and raised his face, but he became shocked for a moment, because there was a smile on Alok's injured face.

Alok said laughingly, “You are absolutely right Anant Sethi, you are still the same Anant Sethi but my son is no longer that child. He has changed a lot and his change affected you the most. He grew up and ruined your work.  ”

Seeing Alok's words and his laughter, Anant Sethi's anger reached the seventh sky. He was really very angry and Alok's words were keeping him quiet, because somewhere he was speaking the truth. Rishabh really ruined him.

Rishabh first of all ruined all his connections and work outside India in these few years and now he started ruining his work inside India, in which he first took control of his goods coming from Dubai.

All his connections with other countries were cut, so Anant got the goods with great difficulty, those drugs and those weapons, but Rishabh did not let them even reach to him.

Anant punched Alok hard on the face. Due to being so injured, Alok had no strength left and he fell on the ground.

Just then he heard the sound of anklets. Alok raised his head and saw Kalandi standing in front of him.  Kalindi sat down and looked at him and said, " Alok ji you are in a lot of pain."

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