~the start of the end~

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Everyone didn't sleep because now two people were dead and they had no idea who the murderer was...

Maybe it was leo's dad Like in the books it's always their family isn't it? Isn't it?... Aries thought

"Guys cmon we can't just sit in silence all day?!" Leo said standing up from the couch

"Well we can" Gemini said leaning back
"Yeah I'll rather sit in silence then what your gonna say" Pisces said leaning his head on his hand

"Aw guys!! I want to do something I'm bored!!" Leo said stomping her feet on the ground like a toddler

"Fine, if you want to do something so bad, let's just watch a movie and get some snacks" Gemini suggested

"Ok, but I'm not making the snacks!" Leo said as she sat back down again

"I'll make them, at least I have something to do" Scorpio said as he got up and walked over to the kitchen

"Ok guys, before we put the movie on, we have to talk about what happened to Aquarius and Sagittarius, it's not normal how they just died like that !"Virgo said

"Yeah I agree" cancer nodded "well I think,they didn't just die they were murdered" Capricorn stated as he tossed his black fluffy hair out his face

"Who's the murderer though?" Pisces asked "that's the bit I don't get, none of us would have killed our own friends or would we?" Capricorn said as he scanned the room and their faces

" I don't know but I don't feel comfortable talking about it, because both of my friends are gone and the thought of never seeing them again is just killing me" Aries said

"Yeah it's feels weird to talk about let's just put a movie on" cancer said as she got the tv remote

Meanwhile Scorpio was making snacks, he put all kinds of different skittles in a bowl and then he looked in the freezer and saw a pizza

"Hmm maybe pizza?, yeah why not" Scorpio said talking to himself as he got the pizza

He placed the pizza on a tray and put it in the oven and turned it on, he took some lemonade from the fridge and poured in into cups but he already drank his

"Now I need to go toilet" Scorpio said as he looked at the time on the oven "I've still got time!" He said as he ran over to the toilet

*~time skip~*

Scorpio came in the living room with a massive tray with all kinds of snacks

They all sat and watched the movie until Libra started choking on something

"You ok?!" Pisces said as he patted her shoulder "I think theirs something in the pizza" Libra said as she started coughing

After minutes of Libra coughing everyone was shocked by what happened next

Libra was coughing up blood "I don't feel to good-" she said as she fell down to the floor

Everyone tried to wake her up but it didn't work. They all looked at her on the floor while blood was drooling out her mouth

Pisces investigated her pizza that she was eating "oh my god!! Libra was poisoned !" He said shocked

Everyone just looked at Scorpio who made the pizza 

"I swear it wasn't me!" Scorpio said as he took a step back "ugh it's been a long day I'm going to bed" he said walking up the stairs

And with that Scorpio left "you really think it's Scorpio" Pisces said "if it is I'm gonna kill him" Aries stated

"Guys Scorpio would do nothing like that!" Leo said "here let me go talk to him" Leo left the room and went upstairs

"It's definitely Scorpio for sure" Gemini said 

Until they heard a bloody scream, everyone ran upstairs to find Leo crying at her knees while Scorpio was laying there on the ground with a sharp knife in his chest

"He's......h-he's.......dead" Leo said before crying again

"Well now we know it's not him" Capricorn whispered in Gemini's ear

"Hey it's gonna be alright" cancer said as she patted Leo's back "no it's not five  people are dead!" Leo said as she rushed out the room to the girls bedroom

"No Leo!" Cancer said chasing after her but Leo locked the door

"Leo!! Come out please! We need to talk!" Gemini shouted banging on the door

"WATCH OUT!" Aries shouted as he ran up to the door to bash it out the way but it failed

"Well that didn't end well" Gemini said with a chuckle

"Let me try that again" Aries said as he went back to his spot and ran up to the door.

the doors flew off revealing that Leo had a slit in her throat and she was in a puddle of blood

"LEO?!?" Gemini said
"The murderer is going wild" Aries said looking down at her

"He or she is hunting us down!" Virgo said "we need to stay safe and no more messing about"

Five down , six more to go...

~ wow three people died in that chapter and btw this is like a short murder story and thanks for reading and if i made any mistakes I'm sorry ,next chapter in progress,~

Love from Daisy 🌼 xx

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