~the theme park pt2~

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Previously:the teenagers hopped inside but I didn't feel the same without Sagittarius...

It was a long journey to the theme park but the teenagers didn't mind it

"We're here!!" Cancer shouted, virgo looked out the window and was greeted with a massive theme park with roller coasters water slides and even a ice rink

They all got out of the bus and walked into the theme park

They all went separate ways, Leo Scorpio Aries and Aquarius when to the water slides. Cancer and Virgo went on the roller coasters. Pisces Libra Gemini and Capricorn went to the ice rink

"Alright you guys ready?" Leo said walking up the water slide "I'm fucking nervous" Aquarius said "aww" Aries teased, Aquarius punched him playfully
Leo and Scorpio went on one and Aquarius and Aries went on one

Aquarius blinked and Leo and Scorpio had already gone down the water slide "wait I want to get off- AHHHHH!!" Aquarius shouted but the lifeguard had already pushed them down

Meanwhile Virgo and cancer were getting on the roller coaster "I'm scared, you?" Virgo said "yeah a little nervous" cancer replied, the ride had started, it was fine but then the drop was coming

"Oh no the drop!" Cancer said "don't worry it's gonna be fine - AHH!" Virgo shouted as they went down the drop and at the end of it cancer was hugging Virgo in fear

Libra Pisces Gemini and Capricorn walked in the ice rink Libra got her ice skating boots on , so did Pisces, they went on the ice rink together "watch this" Libra said as she did a little twirl on the ice "cool!" Pisces said impressed

Capricorn finally got his ice skating boots on but Gemini was struggling "here let me help" Capricorn said kneeling down and tying her shoelaces, Gemini smiled at his kindness and blushed

Capricorn took her hand and they both walked onto the ice rink "first time?" Capricorn asked "yeah" Gemini replied
Gemini slipped but fell in Capricorn's arms "here, let me teach you" Capricorn said holding Gemini's waist and guiding her on the ice

~Time skip~

They all made their way to the main room where everyone ate lunch. There were some benches and everyone ran up to them "yay we get our bench!" Pisces said as he jumped on the top "Oi you bitch get off I'm always at the top!!" Scorpio said as he pushed Pisces off the bench leaving him on the floor, the whole group was full of giggles "it's not funny!" Pisces wined "but your face is!" "Haha good one Aries" Capricorn laughed

After everyone had lunch they went back to the car park where the white bus was there waiting for them

~time skip~

When they all got home Aquarius suggested: "how about we get in the pool, it was a very busy day" "yeah good idea" Leo agreed

All the girls ran upstairs to their bedroom "er guys where's Sagittarius?" Leo asked looking at the empty bed "oh when me Libra and Gemini was investigating, someone had taken her" cancer explained
"Oh that's strange" Leo said but all the girls had already gone out the room "hey wait for me!" Leo shouted as she ran after them

Aquarius Aries Capricorn and Virgo was already in the pool. When everyone had got in Virgo said: hey lets play truth or dare" "yeah me first!" Cancer said "Libra truth are dare" "er dare!" Libra replied "er- oh! I have a good one I dare you to.... Kiss Pisces !"

Libra blushed at the dare that cancer had given her, this was gonna get weird , Pisces was her friend nothing any further. But Libra did what she was told, she leaned in and kissed him on the cheek

"Aww true love" Gemini said splashing the water in their direction "oh shut up, he's just my friend" Libra said splashing the water back "a very close one" Gemini mumbled under her breath

"Truth or dare...Virgo !" Libra said "truth" "what's the worst thing you have ever done?" Libra asked "hmm- Oh! I nearly killed my pet hamster, because I thought that it could swim but I saved him until he died a few days later.." Virgo replied

Everyone just froze by what Virgo had just said but Aries found it funny "haha you really thought your hamster could swim!" Aries said as he tossed his head back laughing "shut up you loser! ANYWAY truth or dare Gemini" Virgo said

"Hmm I pick..... dare!" Gemini replied "read out your last text you sent and say it out loud " Virgo said "oh that's easy" gemini said as she ran inside and got her phone "so here it is, I hate you, I wish I never met you, and your a fucking bitch" "woah who is that to" Aries asked "oh to Virgo just now" Gemini said with a grin on her face

"Wait what? That's breaking the rules!" Virgo said "no it's not I just sent you that message and I just read it out loud" Gemini said getting back in the pool "Ugh fine" Virgo said as he crossed his arms

~time skip~

They were still in the pool until clouds started to come and droplets from the sky "oh shit cmon it's raining!" Pisces said as he jumped out the pool

Everyone ran inside except from cancer, Aquarius,and Leo but Leo and cancer headed to the shed to get the pool cover while Aquarius was still in the pool

"Where's Aquarius?" Libra asked as she looked around the living room "oh he's still in the pool" Virgo said grabbing a towel and dying himself. Libra looked outside the window and saw that Aquarius was doing floating on his front "he's so childish, he's doing the front float thing" Libra said as she laughed

Meanwhile cancer and Leo got the pool cover and carried it outside but Aquarius was still in his position, "Oi Aquarius get out we need to put the pool cover on!..............Aquarius?" Leo said as she put the pool cover down. Leo touched Aquarius's back and hoping that he will get up but he didn't then Leo turned Aquarius over and took his pulse

That's when the people inside heard a scream, they all rushed out the see Leo on her knees crying her eyes out and cancer stood there in shock. "What's wrong?!" Scorpio said as he rushed over to Leo "Aquarius.... He's....... He's dead"Leo sobbed "wait what?! No that's not true... hey buddy wake up wake up please" Aries said trying and trying his pulse again hoping that he will wake up "please....just........don't go" Aries said as he was tearing up

The rain was getting heavier and thunder started

Everyone was shocked, Leo and Aries on the floor crying their eyes out while the rain shattered on the windows and floor, "there's a murderer somewhere and it's hunting us down" Virgo said under his breath so no one else could hear

The rain echoed in their heads. There had been two people that have been murdered and this wasn't an accident

-woah that was a cool chapter!! More coming up keep reading for more!! ❤️-

From Daisy xx

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