~The movie~

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Everyone met downstairs "I have a plan!" Leo said "oh god" Aries stated "anyway I was thinking of watching a movie.....you ready?.....scream!" Suggested leo "what?! That's such a scary movie!" Gemini wined "exactly,we can cuddle!"leo said but everyone in the room just stared and blushed "well go on then,get in your pjs!"leo said as she was finding the movie

The girls had pink bottoms, lace and a silk top to go with it and the boys had blue joggers and a dark blue top with white stripes on. All the girls rushed down the stairs when they had done changing but the boys came down one by one

All the boys had came down except one, a few mins later,Capricorn came down,he was different from the other boys,he had a hoodie and some different joggers "Heyy, finally your here, what's with the change?" Libra asked "oh I brought my own pjs" he said as he sat next to Gemini.

Leo started the movie and they had popcorn on the table

Time skip

It was halfway through the movie when.. BOO! A jump scare, cancer nearly jumped out of her skin but Virgo who sat next to cancer,cuddled her so she could feel better and she just blushed.

Gemini was scared so she put her hands over her eyes.then Capricorn took her hands away from her face and put his arm around her shoulder, and then another jump scare came on and Libra threw her popcorn everywhere and the room was full of giggles. Gemini got her phone out and took a pic of them watching the movie and sent it to Taurus on Snapchat.

While they were all having fun Taurus was sitting in her bed when she got 3 notifications off her phone:

27 new followers on tik tok
2 messages from dad
1 new snap from Gemini

She opened the snap and saw that they were all happy together and she texted Gemini: you guys look so happy 🙂 she sent it and went to bed feeling jealous sad and a bit angry

Time skip

"Well that was a good movie" Aries said yawning "yeah I'm gonna go bed" Sagittarius said "Wait! Sagittarius!" Leo said as Sagittarius stopped on the stairs "here's a key to lock the bedroom door to be safe, we have had people break in before because it's a big mansion" Leo said giving Sagittarius the key

After that, all the boys went bed while the girls were gossiping away, but then they finally went sleep..

Gemini woke up: ugh I'm really thirsty she thought then she realised that the doors were locked so she went over to Sagittarius's bed trying not to trip over in the dark and she shook Sagittarius to try and wake her up, then Gemini realised that Sagittarius had something in her chest and she was laying in a big dark stain

Then Gemini turned on the bedside table lamp on and saw that it was blood, her legs collapsed ,she dropped to the floor and screamed also waking all the girls up, then everyone heard loud banging at the door, then cancer ran over to Sagittarius's table and got the keys and opened the door, luckily it was the boys.

"What happened?!" Libra questioned, then Aquarius noticed something wrong with Gemini "Hey! Hey! Gemini you alright, it's ok breath- breath-"Aquarius said quickly trying to calm down Gemini. Then she finally spit something out "I-i wanted something from d-downstairs then I saw that!" Gemini said and pointing at the dead body

After everyone was shocked by what they saw and Gemini had calmed down
"Who would do that?!?" Cancer questioned with tears in her eyes just looking at Sagittarius " I don't know but who did, is a. Murderer." Aries said as everyone gasped....

So who could it be? 🧐🤔

~thank you guys for reading again, they will get more interesting, part five coming soon!!~
- love from Daisy 🌼

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