|| Chapter 22: A god's truth ||

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She looked between the body and the door, where Alastor stood knocking. She held her breathe hoping that Alastor would just keep walking. He couldn't see her like this, this wasn't her. She was above acts like this; she was fine with Alastor taking lives but for her to do it. It made her sick to her stomach. 

She dropped Callahan's body gently. As she looked around the bare room, stained with her blood and a broken vase. She went to bite her lip and immediately tasted the iron on it. She stopped. She just tasted Callahan's blood like some sick individual. She cringed, leaning forward to think. She needed to get out of here, to hide the body. 

Sure, Alastor could walk in and see everything, but she didn't want that. She didn't want his view of her to change, simply because she lost control. Control that she didn't understand why she lost. "God what do I do." She mumbled low enough that Alastor couldn't hear her. 

"An interesting question indeed." 

She froze and slowly looked up; God once more standing before her. The same god she hadn't seen since forever. She swallowed the lump in her throat. "I..."

"How tragic, taking a life that wasn't meant to part just yet." God scooped up Callahan's body, the wound healing instantly and her body being cleaned of any blood immediately. He cradled the girl in his arms, looking down at (Y/N) with shame, like a disappointed father. 

"I'm sorry... I don't know what happened. I don't... I didn't mean to." She covered her face as she broke the eye contact, she couldn't handle the look in his eyes. She was so confused, her mind racing.

"Your soul is slowly corrupting, I warned you of it happening did I not?" He said, his voice cold and laced with distaste. If she were to die right now, she would be in hell. She knew that, from his looks down to how his voice sounded. 

"You didn't tell me what else would happen! When you told me my soul would become corrupt you said after the year 1934, unless I somehow destroyed my real body so I could stay in time." She stood up, she wanted to be angry, but she was scared and a crying mess. She wanted to wipe her tears but knew if she did, more blood would end up on her face.

"I assumed that's how the time frame would work, however... Whatever you've done here is speeding up process." He walked around her, like a lion king circling his own prey. If he viewed her as prey, he could see her as an insect that needed to be wiped from his perfect world. Still carrying a dead Callahan in his arms.

Her eyes widen, "The void..."

"Ah. I see now, you entered it." He stopped once more in front of her. "Child, you are such a headache."

"What does that mean for me. I had to enter it! I was running for my life; I somehow opened the portal. So, I assumed it was meant to help me." She spoke with her hand desperately trying to save herself, to understand her situation. 

"You are being rejected, when you experience strong emotions. It links both worlds together as a defense, yet the more you use it the more you destroy your soul here and your body in your world. Entering the void set an early timer, one that will slow chip away at your soul till it is destroyed completely."

She looked at him stunned, that would explain why she couldn't the magic. Why that void rejected her body, it was because it wasn't ready to swallow her soul and wipe her from existence. It wasn't magic... it was a bomb. 

"Does that mean... if I use it more, I'll end up wiping my own existence?" She whispered looking down at the bloodstained floor. 

"It would appear so! Isn't that thrilling, why I haven't seen something this exciting in a while!" God laughed, Callahan's body shaking in response. 

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