|| Chapter 2: The Town ||

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The town wasn't very.. charming to say the least.   (Y/N) frowned as she watched the orphans run around like crazy. She looked back around streets, multiple stores seemed to be shut down. Along with the amount of people living on the street was depressing to see.

That's right.. this is during the Great Depression.

"Charming isn't it!" Alastor smiled brightly, clearly unaffected by the events of the Great Depression. If he was affected by it, he made sure not to show it. He carried himself with a certain class and spirit. "Now where is that husband of yours?"

She froze like a deer in headlights. She completely forgotten about her lie after being shocked by how the town looked. She fidgeted with her fingers.

"Oh.. well."

"You lied didn't you dear?"

She looked away at this. Did she feel sightly bad for lying to Alastor? Yes. Did she think it saved her from being killed by him? Also a yes.

He laughed, "ah! Such a dame!" He shook his head and began walking away, without another word.     (Y/N) watched him with wide eyes before she followed behind him.

"Dear, it is rude to follow someone."

"I have no clue where I am."

"Ask your husband to help you."

Her lips parted sightly at his comeback, was he.. being petty? She exhaled, she was also frustrated as to why she found his attitude charming as well.

"I'm sorry I lied. It's hard times as you know.. so I couldn't trust you." She admitted sightly, as she couldn't explain the complete truth.

Hey! She traveled back in time and she's from like 95 years into the future also you aren't real.

She couldn't say that, she also couldn't bring up the fact she knows he's a murder either. Now she found herself wishing she was dealing the radio demon instead.

He only hummed a reply, not accepting her apology as he truly didn't care. "It's charming you claim to not trust me but are following me blindly as we speak, my dear."

Her frown deepen at this and his smile only grew. She rolled her eyes. A silence fell between the pair once more as she followed him to whatever he was heading to.

While she was highly educated with the Great Depression, she didn't know if there would be a huge difference between this world and her real world. Currently her being her goes against everything she knew. Time travel, it should be impossible and only a mere dream. Yet here she was walking around as if she was born here. Also.. being trapped in your favorite show. Which is like a dream come true but a nightmare.

She truly wanted to be back home, watch her father attempt to make pancakes but ultimately he would burn them. Then she'd have to come by and save it. She even missed her mother.. besides the constant scolding and cold looks, she still loved her dearly.

Wait.. can she even get back home.

The realization hit her like a ton of bricks causing her to stop walking. Alastor paused as he looked back at her, her face was slightly pale and her eyes wide. Her reactions were priceless.

"Now my dear, what has you scared this time!" He asked walking to stand in front of her. But she didn't respond, she looked at the floor and gripped her arms tightly.

If she was stuck in 1929 with Alastor. That also meant he would die in 1933, which meant.. she would be left alone. If she were to die would she die in her time as well? Would she end up in Heaven or hell like most souls do.

Her frown deepened, no matter how she viewed her situation. She was stuck.. she was in the wrong time, wrong place. She was.. misplaced.

Alastor's smile dropped as he realized she was ignoring him. His eye twitched, how he hated to be ignored and by someone like her of all things.

He reached out and grabbed her shoulder, pulling her roughly into his side and began walking. This action finally pulled her out of her thoughts, a blush appearing on her face.

"What are-"

"I would advise you not to ignore the very person who helped you, dame." His voice was cold as his eyes remained looking forward. His grip tightened on her shoulder.

"Now then! Tell me more about yourself. We both know your little trick about your husband was a lie. So that also means you know who I am, but not because of your 'husband' listening to my radio show."


"I.. I heard of your through your radio show." She added quickly, ignoring how close he was to her current and also how he smelt. He smelt of mix of iron and cologne.

"Is that so?" He Hummed his smile back on his face as the conversation shifted to behind about him.

Okay.. new plan. Keep Alastor happy until she can figure out her situation. Also not to die.

"Yes! You have a rather charming voice, I wouldn't be surprised if you had a lot of other fans like myself!" She replied, forcing her smile to seem real.

He didn't reply, but his smile stayed as he pushed open a bar door. (Y/N) blinked, when did they get to a bar?

"Alastorrr!" A tall girl with slim figure began walking towards them. She had blonde hair, pale skin and blue eyes. She was extremely pretty.

"Mimzy dear! It's been a while hasnt it?" Alastor let go (Y/N) as he went to hug Mimzy.

That's Mimzy?.. but she looks. Oh right, when you die you became what you hate. Mimzy must've hated the idea of being on the bigger side.

"Oh Alastor! Who is this skirt?" Mimzy asked once they separated from the hug. Her eyes landing on (Y/N).

"That my dear is..." Alastor trailed off as he realized he never did get her name. His turned his head immediately, that was unlike him. How could he so careless as to not even ask for her name.

"(Y/N) Abyss." She smiled holding out her hand to Mimzy, she thought about lying about her name. However she realized that no one would know her regardless. She didn't belong here anyways.

"Well Miss Abyss, might I say you are certainly gorgeous! Are you looking for a job. Oh but of course you are! Everyone is nowadays!" Mimzy grabbed her hand and pulled the girl behind her. Alastor merely watch, his arms behind his back as usual.

Does no one in this time know what personal space is?

(Y/N) followed behind Mimzy as she didn't have much of a choice. She smiled softly, at least she'd finally be getting a job like her mother always wanted.. so that was something to be proud about.

But she couldn't get attached to this world.

She had to go back home.

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