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Current Year: 2024

There was a girl named (Y/N) (L/N) who was adopted at a young age by a loving couple, Eldoria and Enzo Abyss. They had always dreamt of having children but were unable to conceive. (Y/N) was the answer to their prayers, and they cherished her with all their hearts.

From a young age of 10, (Y/N) understood the value of her new family and the love they gave her. She worked hard in school, determined to make her parents proud and ensure they would always want to keep her. She excelled in her studies, becoming a straight-A student with dreams of a bright future ahead.

However when (Y/N) was 14, a miracle happened – Eldoria gave birth to a baby boy named Eden. Despite the joy this brought to the family, things began to change. Eldoria's attention shifted almost entirely to Eden, leaving (Y/N) feeling neglected and alone. Enzo, on the other hand, continued to show her love and support, trying his best to make up for Sarah's distance.

As (Y/N) entered her senior year of high school, Eldoria demanded that she find a job to contribute to the household expenses. Stating she only had a week to find a job.

A week. She only had a week to find a job and new place to live.

Would her father agree to these terms.

Those thoughts circled her head as she made her way upstairs, after being shouted at by her mother once more about a job. Feeling a mix of disappointment and determination, (Y/N) set out to find employment, hoping to ease the financial burden on her family and to please her mother like she always tried to do. She was a people pleaser, she always had been. After being abandoned countless times it was only neutral any form of relationship she has she desperately bends her back to ensure they won't leave her.

She exhaled, not allowing herself to cry. She never did cry, she only cried whenever she got reject by yet another family when she was only 8. She smiled softly, the irony that she though she found a true family to have but she really felt like a outcast. She stood up, making her way to her laptop.

She turned on Hazbin Hotel for the 100th time it felt like. Letting it become back ground noise, as she scrolled for possible jobs near her.

Hours she spent applying to whatever job she could find. She had no experience and no diploma.. so her options were only really fast food restaurants. Charlie's voice from her show pulled her out of her frustrations.

She sighed laying her head down in her arms, "you think you got room for one more misplaced soul Charlie?" She joked, knowing it could never happen. Everyone wished they were somehow put into their favorite show, in some shape or form.

Her (H/C) glanced at the time on her laptop. 1:00 am. She rubbed her eyes as if to try and reassure herself that she misread the time. Much to her dismay, it was indeed one morning.

"You got to be kidding me." She stood up from her desk, closing her laptop after turning off her show. She walked to her clothes sleeping in to an oversized (F/C) band shirt and jogging shorts. She slipped into her bed, pulling her covers over her body. She stared up at the ceiling.

She didn't have a hard life or that's what she told herself. Sure she was orphan before but then she got adopted.. sure maybe her adoptive mother out right stopped loving her after her little brother was born but her father still loved her. She was a high achiever and people pleaser. She groaned as she threw her arm over her head. This life was better than what most people experienced.. she should count herself lucky.

But she deserved more.

She immediately shook her head. She couldn't think like that, she wasn't allowed to be selfish. Not with what her parents have scarified or experienced before adopting her.

"Okay!" She slapped her face, trying to keep her from thinking so poorly. "You have school tomorrow and hopefully an interview. So I need to sleep!" She reassured herself. Closing her eyes with a confident smile on her face...


She couldn't sleep. She was worried about her family situation and also wondering how it would have been if her real family had wanted her. Would her parents now even still love her if she wasn't a straight A student? What if she failed school.. even worse failed finding a job so she could please her mother.


She sat up, walking out of her room quietly as she attempted to make her way down stairs. She was lost in thought, not paying attention to her footing..

Double fuck.

She fell forward, her foot missing a step. It was like time slowed down as she began to tumble down the stairs. Her head hitting the wall with a hard crack sound, then her vision going black immediately.

Eventually her eyes opened, however.. she found herself in a forest?

Year: 1929

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