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"Riddle-- The heck?" Barty spoke with astonishment, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as the peculiar title captured his attention

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"Riddle-- The heck?" Barty spoke with astonishment, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as the peculiar title captured his attention. "Is this about that Riddle guy now?"

Amidst the growing concern shared by many in the room, spanning different age groups and backgrounds, there was a noticeable absence of worry among a certain few of the younger generations.

"You'll find out in a while," Regulus replied wearily, a sense of resignation evident in his voice as he motioned toward the enigmatic title. "You should know by now that my niece and her friends have a penchant for keeping secrets close until prodded with questions, leaving us in perpetual curiosity."

Hermione remained in the hospital wing for several weeks. There was a flurry of rumors about her disappearance when the rest of the school arrived back from their Christmas holidays, because, of course, everyone thought that she had been attacked.

So many students filed past the hospital wing trying to catch a glimpse of her that Madam Pomfrey took out her curtains again and placed them around Hermione's bed, to spare her the shame of being seen with a furry face.

(Name), Harry and Ron went to visit her every evening. When the new term started, they brought her each day's homework.

"If I'd sprouted whiskers, I'd take a break from work," said Ron, tipping a stack of books onto Hermione's bedside table one evening.

The professors and Molly shook their heads incredulously at what the boy said.

"Dramatic much," Draco snorted with a flick of his silver-blond hair, raising an eyebrow in amusement at Ron's retort. 

"Wouldn't you do that too, Malfoy?" Ron spat back, his fiery temper matching Draco's smug grin. 

"Touché, Weasley, touché," the Malfoy acknowledged.

"As if Hermy would allow you to do that," (Name) said, a faint smile playing on her lips as she peeked over her notebook filled with intricate doodles.

"I wouldn't for sure," Hermione nodded.

"Don't be silly, Ron, I've got to keep up," said Hermione briskly. Her spirits were greatly improved by the fact that all the hair had gone from her face and her eyes were turning slowly back to brown.

"Glad she's turning back to normal," James sighed in relief, his shoulders visibly relaxing as he observed the welcome change in Hermione's demeanor on the screen.

"Yeah, if not, she also has a furry little problem," Sirius snorted, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes as he nudged James, the shared amusement evident between the longtime friends. Remus simply shook his head at their antics, a fond smile tugging at his lips.

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