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25TH DEC 1991

"Ohh! It's Christmas!" James said with a smile at the date written on the screen. The other students were also excited about Christmas that was to be spent in Hogwarts especially the decorations, meals and many more activities the students can do with their friends when they did not return back to their homes.

Harry's POV
It was Christmas Day morning. Hedwig, Harry's snowy white owl was sitting on a stacks of books in the Gryffindor common room near the lit fire with her eyes closed, enjoying the heat.

"Harry! Wake up! Come on, wake up!" Ron's voice called out from a distant away. Harry reached his hand out to the side and grabbed onto his round glasses and put them on his face before sitting up, throwing the red quilt off him and getting out of bed. He ran quickly out of the boy's dormitory and to the little balcony that looked over the common room.

Ron stood in the middle of the common room next to the sofa with a few things on the back of the chair. He was wearing a knitted jumper that looked slightly big on him. It was marooning-brown colour with a big 'R' for Ron in the middle of it/ he was wearing this but you could clearly see he was still wearing the same striped pyjamas that Harry wear underneath.

"Happy Christmas, Harry," Ron said with a bright smile.
"Happy Christmas, Ron," Harry smiled back. "What are you wearing?"
"Oh, my mum made it," Ron said as he grabbed onto a part of it with a soft smile, "Looks like you've got one too."

"Molly's famous Weasley jumper!" Gideon said.

"Very warm..." Fabian added.

"Very comfy and stylish..." Charlie continued.

"Comes in many colours..." Bill added on.

"Different sizes..." Gideon added.

"Created by the one and only," Fabian said.

"Mum!" The Weasley siblings said, while the Prewett brothers said, "Molls!" with jazz hands.

Harry looked shocked at this, "I've got presents?" He asked excitedly, gaining a confused look from Ron.

"He didn't receive any presents!" James and Lily roared in exasperation. They were shocked that the Dursleys never celebrated Christmas with their son that they took care, but the couple expected that to happen since Harry was not well taken care of since the beginning of the book.

"We're 100% going to give him as many gifts during his birthday, Christmas and also feed him until he is not skin and bones," James declared with determination. His friends, parents and Lily's friends nodded their heads in agreement, they truly pity the future Potter heir's upbringing.

Anthophile (PJO x HP) 🌸WTM/RTBWhere stories live. Discover now