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"The flying Anglia?" Arthur muttered as he thought about why were they talking about his flying car

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"The flying Anglia?" Arthur muttered as he thought about why were they talking about his flying car. "Why are they talking about my car?"

No one answered him. Even his children didn't because knowing Harry, Ron or George would accidentally burst out what happened if they pressed on the subject.

Later that day, following (Name) and Andromeda's return home from their shopping spree in Diagon Alley, (Name) and Una were spotted relaxing in the serene solace of the backyard.

As a gentle breeze whispered through the trees, the girl leisurely unfurled the hose and aimed with the nozzle, deftly adjusting the tap. The cascades of refreshing water danced joyously from the nozzle, creating a mesmerizing spectacle as the droplets caught the waning sunlight, casting a luminous spray that turned into a beautiful, iridescent array of colors--a small, glistening rainbow.

Many were wondering what the demiwitch was doing, but they kept quiet since the view on the screen was quite mesmerizing.

The demiwitch's carefully retrieved a drachma from her pocket, lifting it high in the air. Her voice carried a sense of ancient power as she spoke the incantation, "O goddess, accept our offering."

With a graceful motion, she cast the drachma into the radiant rainbow, watching as it vanished into a dazzling display of golden light. The air around her seemed to vibrate with otherworldly energy as she uttered her next request, her eyes gleaming with purpose, "Show me Chiron at Half-Blood Hill."

As she gazed upon the majestic front of the Big House in Long Island, the enchanting scene unfolding before her held her in a trance of wonder. It was precisely 2.00 pm in the serene afternoons of Dorset, a world away from the bustling energy of New York, which was still waking up at 9.00 am. The tableau seemed to beckon her through a mystical portal, revealing Chiron and Mr. D engrossed in an early morning game of pinochle at the familiar table.

"I still can't get over the fact that IM'ing is so cool," Barty whispered to his friends who nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. Like it's so much more convenient than us using owls to deliver letters to be honest. Like doesn't that look like animal abuse or something," Evan whispered back.

"I donno. But, it's quite troublesome for both side eitherway," Regulus said back with Rabastan nodding his head. Then, the four of them kept quiet and continued to watch the scene in front of them.

"Chiron! Mr. D!" she called out to the two males, her voice filled with excitement. Mr. D raised a skeptical brow at her, while a tired Chiron's weary face gradually lit up with a small, warm grin.

"Well, well," Mr. D grumbled, his deep voice carrying the weight of familiarity as he observed the young duo before him, "If it isn't little miss witch and Una." His words were laced with a gruffness.

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