4. Sabrina

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If getting her Rank exposed to the whole world and having it trending wasn't bad enough, they also had her freshman headshot as the picture. Could this get any more horrible?

Elise sat scrolling through the articles with a distressed face.

"No,no,no,no,no,no,no please this cannot be happening." She put the phone back down on the table and covered her face.

"Hey, are you okay?" Sabrina asked with a concerned tone. "It's not that big of a deal." Sabrina said, trying to comfort her but obviously not knowing what to do in this situation.

"It is a big deal! I thought maybe if I could keep my rank under wraps for a little while, I'd have a better chance of being accepted into an agency! Now my face and rank is all over the internet for everyone to see!" Elise Exclaimed.

"Hey," Sabrina put a hand on her shoulder. "Everything is going to be fine. You can still go along with that whole laying low plan if you might just need to take a little longer, that's all!" Sabrina said, trying to lighten the mood.

"That's the thing, I can't do that. I will be out of my dorm by tomorrow and I don't really have anywhere else to go. I need to get into an agency so I can make enough money to get a place to live! I have some stuff saved up but it won't last me more than a month." Elise said, looking dejected.

"Your parents?" Sabrina asked.

"They're not around" Elise said with a sadness to her tone and at that Sabrina felt like this was a topic she probably shouldn't talk about.

"How about this?" Elise looked up at Sabrina. "I happen to live in a pretty big apartment in one of the city's buildings and the apartment is a little big for just me...I think I can offer a place to stay for a while. I know we just met but I swear I'm not a psychopath serial killer." She said while putting both of her hands up to emphasize that fact.

"I couldn't ask you to do that-" Elise started.

"No, it's totally fine, you are in a time of need and a girl needs to help a girl out." She winked at her playfully. Elise laughed.

"I really don't know what to say.." Elise had never experienced this much kindness from another person other than her parents and they had died a long time ago.

"I can't thank you enough." Elise started but Sabrina stopped her.

"It's not a problem, don't worry about it," Sabrina smiled.

Their waiter came and took their orders and their food came out shortly after. This meal happened to be the best one Elise had in a long time. Elise learned that Sabrina's full name is Sabrina Bakshi, she is of Indian heritage and the oldest daughter of her family, she works part time at the Cafe and is a student at one of the top universities in the area. Sabrina's gift was that she is an extremely fast reader. She wanted to be a hero when she was little but quickly fell out of that dream when she realized what little her gift could do for the hero society.

Sabrina and her had a great time, Sabrina is very funny and definitely sarcastic. Elise has never had a friend before but she can only imagine that this is what it feels like.

After their lunch Sabrina offered to help Elise with her stuff to move it into her apartment so Elise took Sabrina back to the School of the Gifted to help her with her stuff. They walked into the school and Sabrina was admiring the amazing design before a girl walked up to them. Elise immediately recognized the girl.

Alexandra Ariti, or Andra, is the vice principal's daughter of the School of the gifted and also a recent graduate of the same class as Elise. Andra also got the second best scores of the school after Eliot. Elise doesn't really like her that much considering Andra was never the nicest person it also might be because she was so territorial over Eliot. Her entire personality was the fact that her and Eliot were childhood friends and dated once in Elementary. She clung to that man like a koala and even though she was a full grown adult woman, it was like she never grew up.

"Hey! Elise right?" She plastered on that fake smile that she always wore around Elise. "I just wanted to check up on you after last night. Must have been pretty rough for you." Andra started.

Her presence caught Sabrina's attention.

"Oh um, sure." Elise said back not really knowing how to respond to that.

"I mean I saw your face ALL over my feed this morning it was insane!" She laughed. "Everyone is saying you ruined this school's perfect reputation. What do you think about that? I mean, the internets gotta speak some truth, am I right?" Andra just kept smiling and talking in her fake happy tone. This was so embarrassing, Elise felt so small right now.

"Damn, which 15 year old broke into campus this morning? Are you lost sweetheart because I'm pretty sure the exit is over there." Sabrina pointed over to where we came from whilst matching Andras fake smile and high voice like she was talking to a 5 year old. Elise was shocked.

"Excuse me?" Andra started, her facade breaking. "I am 24 years old and a graduate here! Who do you think you are?" Andra snapped back.

"Oh really? You were acting like a kid I couldn't tell" Sabrina shot back.

" Ha! All I did was ask if she was okay. I don't get why you're so emotional about this?" Andra put on a fake pouty face, mocking her. She really is acting like a child Elise thought.

"And I don't get why you have to be such a bitch. Get out of my face." Sabrina said, also breaking her smiley facade and glaring at Andra.

Elise could tell Andra wanted to say something back but Elise could see the school head walking by and that seemed to shut Andra up. Andra gave one last stuck up glare to the both of them and walked away. Sabrina turned back to me.

"You can't let people talk like that to you or they'll just keep doing it." Sabrina said.

"I really wish I could but I never know what to say back, the words never form."Elise said

They both conversed while they got Elise's stuff and they gathered Elise's boxes into her car. Elise let Sabrina drive because she had no idea where this girl's house was. It was amazing how good friends they became in just one day. Elise has never clicked with someone like this before.

They got to Sabrina's apartment complex and Elise could already tell it was fancy.

When they got out of the car, people came out and got her boxes for her, Sabrina gave them the room to send them to and we went on our way. We got into the elevator and the floors just seemed to keep going.

"When you said you had an apartment I didn't think it would be like this." Elise gasped while looking around the room.

It was beautiful, the whole apartment had a cream color aesthetic to it with a lot of blue touches. There was also a massive window that overlooked the entire city from above.

Sabrina gave her a tour and finally led her to her room.

"This is my guest room but you can have it during your stay!" Sabrina smiled, opening the door for her.

The room was naturally decorated, kind of like the rest of the apartment with its own bathroom, walk-in closet, and full-sized bed.

"Sabrina, I know I said this before but I really can't thank you enough." Elise said with gratitude.

"It's no problem, get settled, I'll be in the living room if you need me." She smiled and winked before closing the door to leave Elise to her own thoughts.

Elise plopped down onto the bed and let out a breath that she didn't know she was keeping in. This was definitely the highlight of her week. She still felt sad about the E rank thing but helped it not sting so much since she wasn't in the dorm anymore.

She started to slowly drift into a much needed sleep, letting herself relax.

She was going to need this if she was going to be ready for what's to come.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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