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There was no way she heard what she just heard correctly. Elise looked up to the screen and saw nothing but the giant words above that said

'E rank'

She couldn't believe it. E ranks were the second rarest to S ranks, there was practically no way she could have gotten E rank. The entire room didn't seem to believe it either. For that moment there was silence. There was no clapping, no cheering, nothing. It was dead silence in that room.

Then the whispers started, and just as they started, so did the tears that were now starting to travel down her cheeks.

The school head gave her a slight look of pity when giving her her graduation certificate. Nothing felt real. The room around her, the people, heck this entire moment, nothing felt real. She moved down the stairs quicker than a lot of the other graduates, not wanting to embarrass herself more than she already has.

Walking back to her seat, she was battling keeping those tears in. She looked at some of the people she walked past, some of those faces held pity but most of them held whispers or slight smiles even.

This was amusing to them.

Of course it would be, they have nothing to worry about, they had their whole life plan ahead of them while hers was ruined. There has never been a successful E rank hero before.

Finally making it back to her seat and through the crowd, she grabbed her bag and left the room.

Finally making it back to her dorm was when she finally let it all out. All of the tears she had held in from the moment her rank was announced.

"Why!" She was slightly staggering before falling to her knees next to her bed in sadness. "It could have been anyone else, why did it have to be me!"

Her sadness started to be replaced with rage as she started screaming. With tears streaming down her face she was quick to grab a picture of her younger self with some heroes and slam it down onto the floor.

Having finally thrown something she took some angry breaths and stood there with her fists clenched and her head down. She squeezed her eyes shut trying to make herself believe this wasn't real but it was hard with the tears squeezing themselves through her lashes.

After a few minutes Elise picked up the glass from the broken picture and plopped down onto her bed.

Having her eyes swollen from all of her crying it was easy to fall asleep that night.

Sleep was going to be her only distraction from the long days of disappointment that was sure to come.

(Short chapter but the next ones about to be loooongg)

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