No Strings Attached

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Who said it and what's the context?


She's dead. Gone.

Maybe not at this exact moment, but she will be. Sooner than I anticipate. Mostly because I have not predicted her untimely passing at all.

A tear trickles down my cheek as the words tumble around inside my brain in a loop. 

I'm losing her.

I am sprawled out on my back staring up at the inky night sky. The constellations and atmosphere spins together in a dizzying whirl.

What is life without my best friend?

Where does one go when the person they seek comfort from is not there to provide it at the time when it's needed the most? Oh, the cruel irony that the arms that I normally find solace in will be the ones that cause me the most pain because of their absence.

A soft breeze whispers through the pines, carrying with it, the sniffles of a muffled sob.

I strain to listen, believing that my ears I have deceived me but no, it is most definitely a cry. Pulling myself up, I scan around but see only empty shadows. 

"Hello?" I call but there is no answer. Chills prick my arms and I scurry back towards the cabin.

But as soon as my feet hit the dew on the grass, I spot it. 

A darkened figure is hunched over at the end of the dock. Squinting my eyes, I make out the movements of trembling shoulders. I bite my lip, debating on whether to approach the person to inquire if they are alright or book it back inside, unknowing what I am potentially up against.

But humanity takes over and I take a few cautious steps back onto the sandy beach. "Hello?" I call again. "Are you okay? Is there something I can do for you?"

But still no answer.

With a sigh, I move in closer. "Do you need me to call someone? Are you hurt?"

I draw in nearer and realize that I recognize the broad outline of the frame and the worn in white t-shirt that clothes it. The beat of my pulse intensifies.

"Jackson?" I ask in confusion. "What's the matter?"

I don't hesitate to sit beside him and rub his back as I study him with a frown on my face.

He takes a shuddering breath, dragging his palms down his face and straightening out his shoulders. "I'm fine," he murmurs.

"You're clearly not." I gesture at his tear-stained cheeks. "What happened...?" 

The question dies on my lips as I realize that I already know what has occurred. The same thing that has broken my heart has shattered his, leaving us both in devastated ruins.

"I'm sorry," I whisper, fully aware that my apologies will not heal the tragedy that has befallen his family. "I can't even begin to imagine how hard this must be for you."

Jackson glances over at me, his eyes rimmed with red. "I'm terrified what my future will be like without her in it, Sterling." His voice is so quiet I can barely hear anything except for the excruciating pain that riddles his tone.

I laugh bitterly as I have been wondering the same thing.

He gestures at the lake. "What will become of my parents? Will they ever be the same? Will my mom turn into a hollow shell of her former self?"

It suddenly dawns on me why Jackson is so frightened of where is life is headed. There is only one solid answer and it's morbidly scary one. The only known of what awaits is the death of his sister at a way too young age.

My Best Friend's Hot Brother (18+)Where stories live. Discover now