Chapter 20: Trials and Determinations

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A/n: I know the episode is a double battle, but this one I get to decide. I will still use a two on two for this one and also Olivia will use different Pokemon. I hope you can understand.

A day passed after Niku defeated the Totem Lurantis. After the trial, Niku gave the ingredients to Olivia and showed her the Z Crystal as well. She then told the truth, but Niku wasn't surprised because he knew something was up.

After the explanation, Niku and Eevee made preparations for the battle, which is the next day. Niku thought very carefully and decided to make a call and exchange some Pokemon back, and not only that, he decided to practice the new Z Move.


The day has finally arrived, and Niku is gonna challenge the Kahuna and get another crystal as well. Before the battle was gonna start, Niku wanted it to just be him and Olivia. He then gave a suggestion of a two onbtwo.

The students were busy with other things and Niku didn't want any interruptions, so he wanted it to be less crowded for everyone. Olivia agreed to set things up and choose her two Pokemon.

Niku comes out of the forest and is heading to what looks like ruins.

Niku comes out of the forest and is heading to what looks like ruins

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Niku: So this is the Ruins of Life. It is the location of the shrine to worship Tapu Lele the island guardian.

Niku: Today is the day to face Olivia. Eevee, let's do this.

Eevee: Eevee!

Scene Change

Niku walked down some stairs and can see a battle field and can see Olivia already there and waiting.

Niku walked down some stairs and can see a battle field and can see Olivia already there and waiting

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Niku: Alola, Olivia.

Olivia: I'm glad to see you Niku. I've been waiting to face you for a while now!

Niku: As have I.

Olivia: Let's begin the island challenge, the Akala grand trial. Wela Volcano, which nurtures Akala Island... Tapu Lele, the guardian of all island life. Watch over this young man and me during this island challenge and bestow your strength upon us!

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